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Smg4 was at his couch playing super smash each other in the ass bros against bob. When he hears someone knock on his door, He gets up and goes to check on who it was.

When he opens the door he sees X, it has been a while since he last spoke with X or FM "Oh hey X it's been a while since I've last seen you" smg4 says, but X looks really nervous.

"Look smg4 i would love to catch up with you but right now i need to tell you something important" X says, and smg4 lets him in and they sit at the couch next to bob.

"So tell me what is wrong" smg4 talks and X prepares himself to explain "you remember how I have the ability to sense danger right?" X says and smg4 nods in agreement "i just had a vision, stronger than any i've had before. Something terrible is coming" X looks shaken just by speaking of it

"Wait did you see any hooded suspicious figure using weapons i certainly did not sell to them?" Bob asks "humm no..." X replies "oh ok than i have nothing to worry about" bob says while leaving.

"Ignore him, tell me what you saw in your vision?" smg4 asks.

"I saw a rooms full of corpses of Mario recolors, there was this giant monster and i think i saw it glitching reality or something" X says looking down at his hands.

"That's terrible, is there anything else you can tell me about the vision?" Smg4 asks.

"Not much, but i think i recall seeing you and a emo version of you somewhere in this vision" X replies.

"An emo version of me?" Smg4 is confused until he remembers that he might know who this 'emo' version of him is "i think i know him, are we going to need him?" Smg4 asks reluctantly.

"I think it should be worth a try, and besides we'll need all the help we can get" X says.

"i'll call the rest of the crew here, you explain all this to them, and then i'll go get this 'emo version of me' ok?" Smg4 asks.

"also while you're at it call FM, i think these visions might come back and he is good at helping me through them" X says. Smg4 nods and begins to call everyone.

It takes a while but now everyone is assembled here, even Mario who is currently being babysitted by both Luigi and meggy to stop him from setting anything on fine.

"This better be important smg4" Saiko says in a threatening manner.

"It's just because of some world ending event" bob says adding up in the end "the usual"

"World ending event!?" Tari says already looking scared.

"Everyone listen up, my friend here X will explain everything you need to know" smg4 says pointing at X "i need to go grab someone else, you all better behave while i'm gone this is important" smg4 says while leaving.

"Yay time to do illegal shit" bob says but shuts up when Saiko punches him "ow my ovaries"

"Explain what is going on X" Saiko says and finally gives X room to talk.

"Look i have this ability to sense when something dangerous is going to happen and recently i've had a vision" X begins to explain.

"I also get cool visions when i do a lot of.." bob starts but gets punched by Saiko again.

"This is serious, and whatever it is won't simply go away we'll have to fight it and we'll need all the help we can get" X talks again. The group looks nervous.

"We could get the princess to call the army for help" Mario says, and everyone looks at him. It is rare to have Mario say something actually smart.

"We'll do that and you guys get ready to fight" meggy says as she grabs Mario and Luigi to go talk to the princess.

X explains in more detail what he saw to the remaining crew and they gather weapons and discuss tactics.

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