An igloo and two oblivious idiots-Part 1

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Smg4 was feeling down all morning, he did his best to keep himself occupied, he got so desperate that he ended up WASHING THE DISHES, just so he wouldn't have to think about what happened.

But even while occupied his thoughts still roamed, they mostly consisted of Smg3 and all the many questions he had about his situation. What is down there that Smg3 could be so scared of? Sometimes i can feel his feelings can he do the same? Can he read my thoughts or maybe see my memories?

Smg4 shakes his head, he tries to concentrate on the dishes he is slowly cleaning, but no matter how much he tries his thoughts always escape the task. He is actually glad when Mario shows up with a demon trying to kill him, at least it is a better distraction than the dishes.

"Give me your soul!!" the demon growls holding Mario upsidedown in it's massive hand.

Smg4 seriously considered not helping Mario, the demon was about 6 times his size, and had more sharp edges than an edgy teenager's sonic the hedgehog self insert. But if Smg4 didn't help, Mario would die and so would their universe.

Mario screams for Smg4 to help, Smg4 is about to bolt into combat until he realizes he is still holding the dish he was cleaning. So he goes back, puts it in the sink, he washes his hands, dries them off on a towel, looks everywhere for his phone only to realize it was in his pocket, and then slowly goes through his meme gallery until he finds a cringe meme. All this while Mario screams for his life.

"Here look at this" Smg4 shows the meme to the demon, and it makes the creature screech in pain as if the image could hurt it. It lets go of Mario and drops to the floor covering it's face with it's hands.

Smg4 walks closer putting his phone back in his pocket, he crouches down to the creature's level, he looks it in the eyes and speaks threateningly "Get out or i'll show you the memes Smg3 likes"

This makes the demon's eyes widen in fear, it jumps up and runs away as fast as it can, breaking the castle's wall in the process. Smg4 sighed looking at the damage, how is he going to explain that to peach? It's the 17th time this week something breaks their wall.

"Let me guess, you sold your soul for spaghetti and refused to pay when the demon showed up" Smg4 turns to Mario with a serious face.

"No! It was premium spaghetti" Mario explains.

"Premium spaghetti is still spaghetti, can you not sell your soul for 5 days?" Smg4 says. He looks at the door and sees some of his friends enter, Meggy sees the new hole and ignores it.

"Hey 4 how is it going" Meggy asks.

"Fine i guess" Smg4 answers "Mario almost died though"

"Mario had everything under control!!" Mario says.

"Sure you did" Meggy says sarcastically. She then notices the dishes are perfectly clean, and looks at Smg4 surprised "You washed the dishes??"

"Didn't have anything better to do" Smg4 answers.

"Damn, wish i was this productive when bored, my dishes have been piling" meggy says.

"We have a plan!" Smg2 says as they slam open the castle's door. This catches their attention.

"Really?!" Smg4 replies.

"Yes, we are sure this will bring you and 3 together" Smg1 explains.

"Ok let's do it" Smg4 gets up and walks twords the two meme guardians.

"First we have to get to a different place" Smg1 says.

"Why? Can't we do it in front of the Castle like we did before?" Smg4 asks.

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