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Smg4 goes outside the castle and uses the phone to create a portal to the internet graveyard, he walks up to the ancient memes and asks them "i need to talk to Smg3, where is he?" The memes look at each other and then back at him.

"We haven't seen him in a while, he's probably occupied with some graveyard ruling stuff" one of the ancient memes reply, Smg4 quickly nods and leaves to search for Smg3.

Smg4 walks around searching for 3 but he just can't find him, he already spent hours searching with no results. At some point he accidentally bumps into a group of Uganda knuckles making one of them drop their sandwich, they all seemed pretty mad and start to approach Smg4 menacingly, Smg4 tries to apologize but nothing stops the memes advances. Smg4 recognizes one of the memes in the group, it's an Uganda knuckles with a top hat, he tries to talk to it instead.

"Hey remember me, i'm not a bad guy it was an accident" Smg4 says looking desperately at the small meme. It seems to finally remember him so it talks to it's friends, Smg4 doesn't understand what they are saying but at least the memes calmed down.

The memes were about to leave when Smg4 talks again "Wait! Do any of you know where Smg3 is? I really need to talk to him" they all look at him and then at the Uganda knuckles with a top hat, they discuss something and the one with a top hat finally steps up to him and starts to lead him somewhere.

After a few hours of walking silently the meme takes Smg4 to a Starbucks, Smg4 remembers this place he stayed here for a while when 3 deleted him and his crew. The meme opens a secret trapdoor and they go down a pretty long ladder, once they reach the end he finds himself in a pretty cozy looking room.

"TERRANCE!? WHY DID YOU BRING THIS IDIOT TO MY LAIR?" Smg4 looks at the source of the noise and sees Smg3 laying awkwardly in his bed with a notebook in hands. Smg3 quickly gets up and goes straight to Terrance while completely ignoring Smg4's presence in the room.

"You don't know the wae" Terrance replies looking defiantly at Smg3.

"What?? This idiot Really???" Smg3 asks, making Smg4 curious as to how he understands what the meme is saying.

"What is he saying about me?" Smg4 asks as he couldn't contain his curiosity. Both Terrance and Smg3 look angrily at him.

"Shut up scrub" Smg3 says at the same time Terrance says "don't know the wae" and then they return to their discussion.

"The wae" Terrance says, Smg3 looks like he is about to contest but Terrance makes clicking sounds with it's mouth, and now Smg3 looks thoughtful.

"Are you sure?" Smg3 asks looking less angry now and more curious.

Terrance makes the clicking sounds again and Smg3 looks even more curious.

"You're going to have to tell me about that later" then Smg3 finally turns to look at Smg4 "i'll give 20 minutes so talk quickly"

"There is a world ending threat and we need all the help we can get" Smg4 says.

"Is that it?? I'll be more than glad to die if i get to watch you die first" Smg3 says. Terrance looks angrily at him but he ignores it.

"Can we put this stupid rivalry aside for just a little? This thing will kill everything you care about too if we don't stop it" Smg4 says and quickly adds up "and i also think it might be related to why we were fused together" this makes Smg3 look more interested.

"What makes you think that?" Smg3 asks.

"X mentioned it doing some sort of glitch, the ancient memes said we fused together because of a glitch" Smg4 replies.

"Why didn't you start up with that? Where is this thing i'm going to beat it up" Smg3 says excitedly.

"We don't know yet but i'm sure my friends are making plans in the castle" smg4 says and watches smg3's excitement disappear instantly.

"Sure... Great i sure will love seeing your friends" smg3 says sarcastically. This makes Terrance lightly kick him in the leg.

"It's not like you can just kill it alone, X never exaggerates about his visions this is big" Smg4 says.

"Can i at least bring Terrance with me?" Smg3 asks picking up the meme in his arms.

"Fine whatever, let's go already" Smg4 answers.

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