King of the dead

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(Warning blood and violence)

The guards that passed by would occasionally stare at him, he was certain he had changed again, it is an ability he wished he had more control over, but it just happens when his feelings are genuine. He could tell his fingers were sharper and so were his teeth.

He needs to leave this cell, it reminds him too much of his time stuck in 4's mind and he'll go insane if he stays any longer. He looks around and sees the two guards at the door, he is pretty sure one of them has the keys to open his handcuffs.

Over the night he sets his plan into motion. He didn't eat all day and is now pretending to be sick, the guards finally seem to be worried about his state and decide to check on him. One of them says out while the other starts to open the cell.

The moment he steps inside smg3 jumps at him, he might still be cuffed but he still has very sharp fingers and teeth and he uses them to his advantage. The guard is surprised by the attack allowing smg3 to catch him, his claws sunk making the officer scream, he dragged his claws along his chest drawing blood and tearing flesh as they went. the guard tried to hit him with the police baton but smg3 was too close for the officer to get any momentum in his strikes.

The other guard tried to separate them but it was too late, smg3 got close enough to bite right at the officers neck, his sharp teeth broke through flesh easily and hit an important vein, he would bleed to death and rather quickly. The other guard shot smg3 twice, one in the shoulder and the other in his stomach but smg3 didn't even register the hits, driven by adrenaline he just jumped at the other guard.

After killing both guards he quickly got through their keys trying to find one that opened the handcuffs. He could hear footsteps as the next patrol began to approach, when he does get the handcuffs of he quickly opens a portal and leaves to the graveyard just as the patrol gets there.

Smg3 spits the blood in his mouth, as he calmed down he began to feel the pain from being shot. He walks to the Starbucks he had made his home but had his path blocked by one of the ancient memes.

"What do you want this time?" Smg3 asked while trying to get around the meme.

"What have you done?" The ancient meme 1 asked judging smg3's looks.

"None of your business" smg3 replied making his way to the Starbucks.

"You know that is not true" the ancient meme 1 retorted.

"It's not his blood, even though i wish it was" smg3 spoke again while he goes through his medic supplies.

"And i assume you will continue hunting him" the ancient meme 1 said.

"Yes, i am not done" smg3 spoke shortly, already wanting the conversation to end.

"And when will you? Have you not done enough?" The ancient meme 1 asked.

"I'll be done when he is forgotten or dead, whichever comes first" smg3 replied while he attended to his own wounds.

"So you are prioritizing destroying his life instead of living yours?" The ancient meme 1 asked again.

"You are being more insistent than usual, what's up with that?" Smg3 mentioned angrily.

"Maybe i have grown tired of watching you throw away your life for revenge" ancient meme 1 said.

"I'll still have a life i just need him gone first" smg3 said

"And you expect everything to fix itself just by killing him? This is not how it works" ancient meme 1 said.

"What else am i supposed to do? His existence bothers me, his presence angers me and simply speaking his name makes me want to commit 3 different types of war crimes" smg3 speaks angrily at the meme.

"What about you do something other than obsess over killing him? Like ruling the graveyard, Something you were always supposed to do" the ancient meme 1 replied.

"Will it make you stop bothering me?" Smg3 said as he finished covering his wounds.

"Yes" the ancient meme 1 spoke shortly.

"Then fine i'll do it" smg3 finally gave in to the meme's insistence.

-----Back in the prison-----

"I'm here to see one of the prisoners" smg4 said to the guard at the door.

"Sorry but i can't let anyone in right now, it seems one of the prisoners escaped and the guards are searching the area" the guard replied.

And smg4 knew exactly who that prisoner was.

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