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Takemoto leads the way as they exit the café and embark on the journey to Hanami's location. The sun is setting on the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and gold. The streets grow quieter as they leave the bustling city behind and approach the small town where Hanami now lives. As they arrive in the small town, the surroundings become tranquil and serene. The streets are lined with quaint houses with front gardens and well-maintained yards. Takemoto leads the way to a small farmhouse on the outskirts of the town, a peaceful haven away from the chaos of the city. As they approach the farmhouse, Takemoto turns to Naoya with a grin. "This is it," he declares, gesturing towards the humble abode. The house is surrounded by a peaceful garden, with a few trees and flowers in full bloom. 

Takemoto approaches the front door and gives it a firm knock. A few moments later, the door swings open, revealing the petite figure of Hanami. Her eyes widen in surprise as she recognizes the visitors. "Takemoto? Is that you?" she asks, her voice tinged with surprise. Before Takemoto can respond, Hanami quickly notices Naoya standing behind him. Her expression shifts to one of shock and disbelief. "Na-Naoya?" she stutters, her voice trembling. "What's up with the look on your face? First time seeing a ghost?" Naoya asks with a smirk. Hanami takes a moment to compose herself, still trying to process the unexpected sight before her. "I-I didn't think I'd ever see you again," she manages to say, her voice still tinged with shock and disbelief. "You look...older" Naoya says jokingly. Hanami rolls her eyes, a hint of amusement in her expression. "Gee, thanks for the compliment," she replies sarcastically. "But I could say the same about you." "Can you guess why I came to visit you?" Hanami crosses her arms, her expression becoming curious. "Let me guess, you want your katana and pistol back," she says wryly, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "I trust you kept them in perfect condition?" Naoya says. Hanami scoffs, feigning offense. "Of course, I kept them perfectly maintained," she replies, her voice laced with mock indignation. "They're valuable collectibles in my collection, after all." 

"I know you wouldn't just hand them back to me. However, I am here to offer you my knife in exchange." Hanami raises an eyebrow, intrigue sparking in her eyes. "Your knife, in exchange for my collectibles?" she muses, a hint of curiosity in her voice. "That's quite the offer. Let me see it." Naoya takes out the knife and hands it to her. Hanami takes the knife, her eyes widening in surprise as she inspects it. "This is quite the knife," she remarks, her voice tinged with genuine awe. "The carving on the handle and the overall design are incredibly intricate. It would make an impressive addition to my collection." Hanami stares at the knife for a few moments more, contemplating the offer. "Hmph," she finally says, giving Naoya a firm look. "Alright, I'll accept your offer. I'll return your katana." Naoya notices that she only said katana and he asks right afterwards. "What about the pistol?" Hanami smirks, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "As for the pistol, I kind of lost it." "That's honestly funny. A collector losing a piece." Naoya chuckles. Hanami rolls her eyes, a chuckle escaping her lips. "Yeah, yeah, rub it in," she replies with a hint of humor. "I guess even collectors can be careless sometimes." "Can I see the katana?" Hanami nods and turns around to retrieve the katana from inside the house. A moment later, she returns, holding the katana in her hand. The weapon is just as Naoya remembered, with its elegant design and impressive craftsmanship. "It's heavy for you isn't it? You seem to have trouble carrying it." Naoya says with another chuckle. Hanami scoffs, her eyes narrowing at Naoya's comment. "Please, I may not look strong, but I can handle a katana just fine," she retorts, a sharp edge in her voice. "Don't underestimate me."

 "Oops, I already underestimated." Hanami rolls her eyes again, shaking her head in mock exasperation. "Of course you did," she mutters, a hint of bemusement in her voice. Naoya picks up the katana from her hand while Takemoto is watching. Takemoto leans against a nearby tree, observing the interaction between Naoya and Hanami. He watches as Naoya takes the katana from Hanami's hand, a hint of anticipation in his eyes. Naoya grips the katana, feeling its comforting weight in his hand. Memories flood back to him, reminding him of the battles fought and the lives taken with this very blade. The katana is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, forged from the finest steel. Its blade gleams in the light, showcasing its razor-sharp edge. The handle is meticulously wrapped in black leather, providing a firm and comfortable grip. The guard and pommel are made of pure gold, intricately carved with symbols of power and dominance. Overall, the katana is both deadly and elegant, a true weapon of legend. "Appreciate it, Hanami. If I am alive after what I will go through, I will bring back every personal equipment that I have and give them to you." Hanami's expression softens, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "You're welcome," she replies, her voice tinged with warmth. "Just try to survive whatever you're going through, okay? I want those other weapons." "I know you do." Naoya looks up at Takemoto. "You should give him the dual daggers that he had maybe?" Naoya says with a smile. Takemoto gets surprised by this and asks, "My dual daggers were in possession of her?" Hanami turns to Takemoto, a sly smile on her lips. "Oh, those dual daggers? I've been keeping them in pristine condition ever since Naoya gave them to me," she confirms with a chuckle.

"Why would Naoya give them to you?" Takemoto asks. Hanami rolls her eyes playfully. "Come on, Takemoto," she says, a smirk on her lips. "Naoya knew I was a collector. Giving me those daggers was a testament to how close we were." "Yeah but they were mine. I didn't even know what happened to them or where they were." Hanami smirks, clearly enjoying the surprise she's given Takemoto. "Well, now you know," she teases, her eyes glinting with amusement. "They've been safely tucked away in my collection all this time." "I would like them back but I don't have anything else that I can offer." Takemoto says. Hanami looks contemplative for a moment before her eyes light up. "Wait a second," she says, her voice tinged with realization. "There's actually something you could give me in exchange." Takemoto, who had been observing the exchange quietly so far, raises an eyebrow in curiosity, his interest piqued. Naoya crosses his arms, his expression curious as well. Hanami gives Takemoto a mischievous glance before turning to Naoya with a sly smile. "I happen to be missing a specific knife model from my collection," she informs him. "It's a black ceramic knife with a serrated edge and a red handle. If you can bring it to me as repayment for the daggers, I'll generously trade you my dual daggers in exchange." 

"That's old man's knife. Most likely Nero has it." Takemoto says. Hanami's expression grows serious, her eyes narrowing at the mention of Nero. "Nero, huh?" she mutters, her voice tinged with anger. "That scumbag. I'm not surprised he took the knife. He's always had a penchant for stealing possessions that don't belong to him." "He not only stole it but also killed the old man." Hanami's expression darkens further, a hint of rage in her eyes. "That's even worse," she replies, her voice laced with venom. "He killed the old man? Well, that scumbag just earned himself an even higher spot on my hit list." "Don't worry about that. I came back for my katana and gun to use them against Nero. Rest assured, I will deal with him." Hanami's expression softens, a hint of admiration in her eyes. "I appreciate your determination to take down Nero," she concedes. "Just remember to stay cautious. His powers make him a formidable foe." "Get the boy's daggers back to him and I will get the old man's knife for you." Naoya says. Hanami nods, a hint of appreciation in her eyes. "Alright, I'll make sure the daggers are returned to him," she affirms. "And you better hold up your end of the deal and bring me the old man's knife. I'll be waiting." Naoya looks at her eyes and speaks, "I won't keep you waiting for long." Hanami gives Naoya a determined look, her eyes reflecting her resolve. "You better not," she replies, a hint of wryness in her voice. "I don't like being kept waiting, especially when it comes to valuable collectibles." Right afterwards, Hanami retrives the dual daggers from inside her house and hands them to Takemoto. 

Takemoto graciously accepts the dual daggers from Hanami, a hint of excitement in his eyes. He looks at them intently, a nostalgic expression on his face as he admires the craftsmanship of the daggers. "We are off. And don't worry nobody will be after you after this conversation. Stay safe, Hanami." Naoya says. Hanami nods, a wistful look on her face. "Thanks, Naoya. Stay safe yourself." She turns to Takemoto, a hint of teasing in her voice. "And you better not lose those daggers again, Takemoto." 

Takemoto smirks, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, don't worry about that," he replies, his voice laced with confidence. "I'll make sure to take good care of them this time."

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