Back in Hell, Part 2

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As Naoya drives, Ms. Fujiwara glances behind her and notices a few of the militants driving motorcycles, closely pursuing the car through the traffic. "There are motorcycles on our tail!" she yells out. Naoya quickly speaks to Jun. "I need you to shoot them. Try not to raise your head too much out in the open and be efficient." Jun hastily nods in response, his face displaying both determination and trepidation. He carefully positions himself so that he can get a clear shot at the motorcycles without revealing himself too much. Through the car's rear window, Jun narrows his eyes and takes aim at one of the motorcycles. He takes a deep breath, carefully sighting his shot. Just as one of the motorcycles gets close enough, he squeezes the trigger and fires a single shot. The bullet flies through the air and hits one of the tires of the motorcycle, causing it to lose control and careen into a nearby building. A car approaches and tries to get Naoya out of the road.

Naoya, focused on the road, sees the car approaching. With quick reflexes, he quickly turns the steering wheel and maneuvers the car, dodging the collision and avoiding potentially disastrous consequences. However, the sudden movement causes the pursuing militants to catch up slightly. Despite Naoya's best efforts, the pursuing vehicles have now closed the distance significantly. Several motorcycles and cars are behind them, the militants firing from their windows and trying to force the trio off the road. A few bullets manage to hit the car, shattering a rear window and sending shattered glass flying. As the vehicles continue to pursue them, one of the cars on their right side suddenly swerves and smashes into the rear bumper of their car, attempting to pit maneuver them. The sudden jolt causes the car to swerve but Naoya manages to stabilize it and maintain control while simultaneously avoiding the other vehicles. With a cool and calculating expression, Naoya steadies the car with his knee while taking out his gun. He takes aim out the window of the car and begins to shoot at the cars behind them, his aim as deadly as always. Bullets fly through the air, piercing the windshields and tires of the pursuing vehicles. Despite the bullets flying around and the risk of getting hit, Naoya keeps his focus and continues firing. His bullets cut through the air like lethal precision-guided missiles, finding their marks on the pursuing vehicles. Several of the cars suddenly slow down and veer off the road, no longer able to continue the pursuit. "Jun, use the rifle below the seats you guys are sitting on!"

Upon hearing Naoya's command, Jun immediately reaches under the seat to take out the rifle. He hastily checks the weapon to ensure it is loaded and ready to fire. Jun then positions the rifle over the back of the car's seat, holding it in front of him. He takes aim and fires the rifle at the motorcycles that are trying to overtake the car. The rifle's shots boom through the air, and militants fall off their motorcycles as the bullets find their mark. The sound of the rifle's continuous gunfire echoes through the street as Jun takes out one motorcycle after another. The militants driving the motorcycles try to evade, but Jun is not letting any of them get away, his aim staying true and his bullets finding their marks with ruthless efficiency. The number of pursuing motorcycles slowly dwindles as Jun's bullets find their mark again and again. However, despite their losses, some of the motorcycles continue to pursue the car, their determination to catch up unwavering. "Get ready, I am making a sharp turn!" Upon hearing Naoya's warning, Jun adjusts his position to brace for the sudden turn and grips the rifle tighter. Meanwhile, Ms. Fujiwara, seated in the backseat, takes a deep breath and prepares for the turn. Without warning, Naoya suddenly veers the car to the right, making a sharp turn that causes the car to lean heavily to one side. Thanks to the car's grip and Naoya's skills as a driver, the car manages to complete the turn without flipping over. The sudden turn causes most of the pursuing motorcycles to lose control and skid off the road, smashing into buildings and other obstacles. However, one or two of the more skilled riders manage to maintain control and continue their pursuit, their determination unwavering.

"Where are they all even coming from? It's like there are infinite amount of them." Jun says. As the chase continues, Jun voices his concern about the seemingly endless number of militants pursuing them. "I have no idea," Naoya replies, his focus still on the road ahead. "They probably have more resources and people than we think. We just need to keep evading and trying to lose them." As the car speeds down the street, a courageous militant on a motorcycle catches up and jumps onto the roof of the vehicle, clinging onto it tightly. The additional weight causes the car to lurch slightly, but Naoya regains control quickly and continues evading the other vehicles.

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