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Present Time 2024 - October 10th Early Morning

Naoya sits across from Takemoto at a small table in a cozy cafe, sipping on a cup of hot coffee. The atmosphere is casual and relaxed, providing a momentary reprieve from the tension of the upcoming confrontation. Naoya takes a deep breath before speaking. Naoya sets his coffee cup down on the table and turns his attention to Takemoto. "I want to be clear with you," he says, his voice firm and resolute. "This fight with Nero isn't just about power or position. It's a matter of principle. Nero's recklessness and ambition could lead the commandments to destruction. I can't allow that to happen." Takemoto nods, his expression serious as he takes in Naoya's words. "I understand," he replies, his voice filled with conviction. "Nero has gone too far with his aspirations. The organization has always been about order and discipline. His actions threaten that." "I would originally not even attempt to fight him fair. However, even though he is a son of a bitch, he fights with honor." Naoya says. Takemoto considers Naoya's words for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "Yeah, you're right. He may be a bastard, but he does follow a strict code of honor when it comes to combat. It's the only thing he seems to have left in him." "For that reason, I'll go see Hanami. If she is alive that is."

Takemoto raises an eyebrow, surprised by Naoya's mention of Hanami. "Hanami?" he repeats, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "As I know she isn't even in the business anymore." "Do you know where she could be though?" Naoya asks. Takemoto takes a moment to think, his expression contemplative. "Last I heard, she retired to a quiet life outside of Tokyo," he explains. "Word is she bought a small farm and started a new life there." "That has to the most anti-climactic thing I heard from you." Naoya states with a sigh. Takemoto chuckles softly, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Yeah, I guess it seems mundane compared to everything else," he admits. "But that seems to be how she wants to live now." "She is the only person who probably still has my katana and pistol. I gave them to her." Takemoto's expression shifts to one of surprise, and a hint of curiosity sparks in his eyes. "You gave her your katana and pistol?" he asks, his voice tinged with intrigue. "That must have been a significant gesture." "She is a collector. She has multiple other weapons from other hitmen and legendary people too." Naoya explains. Takemoto nods, understanding the significance of Hanami's collection. "I can see how valuable that must have been for her," he says, his voice tinged with respect. "But did you really intend to give away such iconic and personal items?" "How is a dead person who is trying to run away from the underground life going to make use of those weapons?" Naoya asks with a smile. Takemoto can't help but chuckle softly in response to Naoya's comment, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "I guess you have a point there," he admits, a wry smile playing on his lips. 

"I can obviously fight Nero with another katana and pistol too but I am hoping I could possibly recover them." Takemoto nods, acknowledging Naoya's statement. "It makes sense that you would want to recover your old weapons," he replies, his tone serious. "Those items hold significant sentimental and practical value for you." "You think you can learn her location if she is alive?" Naoya asks again. Takemoto mulls over the question for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "I can try," he says, his voice tinged with determination. "I'll reach out to some contacts and see if anyone has any information about Hanami's whereabouts. It may take some time though." "We got time. After all, I am planning on winning." Naoya states with a smirk. Takemoto nods in agreement, a hint of confidence in his expression. "You're damn right we got time," he replies, a determined glint in his eyes. "And I have no doubt you'll win this battle. Nero may be powerful, but you're on a whole other level." Takemoto's expression turns serious as he continues talking. "You've always been ahead of the game, Naoya. You have a strategy, skill, and an unparalleled ability to think on your feet. Nero may be powerful, but in the end, I know you'll come out on top." "You better stop glazing me before I leave." Naoya laughs. Takemoto chuckles softly, amused by Naoya's comment. "Just stating the facts, man," he replies with a wry smile. "But I'll keep your ego in check, don't worry." 

Four days later, October 14th - Near Evening

Takemoto strides into the same café, a look of contentment on his face. He takes a seat across from Naoya and gets straight to the point. "I've got news," he says, his voice tinged with excitement. Takemoto leans forward, a smirk playing on his lips. "I managed to track down Hanami's location," he reports, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. "She's living in a small town just outside of Tokyo. It seems she really did retire to a life of solitude. "I don't wanna show up without gifts. I'll buy her favourite souvenir stuff." Takemoto nods, understanding Naoya's sentiment. "That's a thoughtful idea," he replies, a smile playing on his lips. "Hanami always did appreciate a good gift, especially souvenirs." "On a second thought, she is a collector after all. I will give my knife that has my name carved on it to her in exchange." Takemoto raises an eyebrow, surprised by Naoya's decision to offer his knife as a gift. "Giving away something as personal as your knife?" he remarks, his voice tinged with curiosity. "That's quite a generous offer."

 "I don't use knives like that anymore so it's fine. Can we go now?" Naoya asks. Takemoto nods, a hint of excitement in his eyes. "Alright then, let's get going," he replies, standing up from the table. "Hanami's not someone to keep waiting, after all." 

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