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"So you're really that powerful, huh?" Jun asks, a hint of amusement in his voice. "You must be really skilled in assassination if you managed to reach the point of leading the Six Commandments."

"He really was back then. Right now, I don't see it." A man enters the scene, pointing his gun at Naoya. The man steps forward and seems to be about to pull the trigger, but he's cut-off by Naoya pointing his own firearm at him. "At the very least don't attempt something stupid like this while we are quite literally in the grounds of the police." The man lowers his gun with a proud smile and speaks. "I see that you haven't lost your sharpness one bit, Naoya." "Who the hell are you?" Jun asks right after. "The name is Takemoto, I worked in the same office job as Naoya before. I am 22 years old." he says confidently. The man who introduces himself as "Takemoto" appears to be roughly the same height as Naoya and Jun, though his body is a bit more muscular and toned. He has dark brown hair dyed in a slicked-back style that frames his face perfectly. His clothing consists of a black button-up shirt, a matching set of black dress pants, and a pair of black shoes.

In terms of his facial features, he has a sharp, angular facial structure with a prominent jaw and strong cheekbones. His eyes are sharp and intense, bearing a steely look that is quite intimidating. Naoya used to be friends with him? He does look quite young. Ms Fujiwara thinks to herself. 

Naoya holsters his firearm and speaks with a knowing tone. "His name is indeed Takemoto. However, he is a hit man. A colleague of mine from back then. His age is 32, not 22." Naoya states. Jun raises his voice in annoyance to Takemoto. "So you just lied to us? If Mr. Naoya wasn't here we would've believed you." Takemoto chuckles for a bit then goes back to his usual demeanor. "I assume you already learned how much your head is worth nowadays, Naoya." "Yeah, it's a pretty ridiculous number," Naoya says with a hint of amusement at the absurdity. "But I'm guessing you already know all about that as well." "It was decided by THL higher-ups just a few days ago. So many people are already searching for you, that must explain why you are in a police station of all places." "That would make sense," Naoya says in agreement. "But why are they offering such a high bounty for me all of a sudden? It doesn't seem like the kind of thing they do usually." "You see, a man with a legendary status who was once sitting at the apex of all the business. A man that was rumored to be six feet below the ground gets revealed to be alive and supposedly to be back in business is bound to get quite a lot of money."

"I guess that's true." Naoya says with a shrug. "And you got yourself mixed up in this as well? You're trying to hunt me down now too?" "I'm not going to lie, it's definitely not going to be easy," Naoya admits honestly. "But I'm not going to just roll over and let myself get captured either." "Speaking of rolling over, I was just testing your resolve. I am not participating in this little man-hunt they are going to do on you." He turns around and speaks again, "I knew you were alive somewhere all this time. Someone who earned the strongest status cannot die in such a pathetic way right?" he says with a smirk. "Heh, I guess not," Naoya says, a small smile of his own spreading across his face as he appreciates Takemoto's sentiment.

"So you're not after the money?" he asks, wanting to make sure he understood correctly. 
"It was really nice seeing you one last time alive and well before you got killed, Naoya. I came here to say goodbye, nothing more." Naoya watches as his old friend disappears into the distance, slowly letting his smile fade before he lets out a soft sigh. Well that was strange. He knew I was alive all this time, yet he comes here just to say goodbye? Not that I'm complaining about it, but still...

He turns to Ms. Fujiwara and Jun, who have been silently witnessing this interaction. "Seems like old friends are coming out of the woodworks." he says with a hint of amusement in his tone. "Yeah, it would seem that way." Ms. Fujiwara responds, a small smile appearing on her face. Jun stares at Naoya for a moment, seemingly lost in thought about the developments that have just occurred. "And you knew this guy personally?" he finally asks. "Yeah," Naoya responds, "Back in the day, we worked together quite a bit. So I wouldn't exactly say we were close, but I knew him well enough."

"We not only cannot underestimate him but also we have to break his resolve somehow. He's a former six commandments member. He could do a reality check on the entire industry if we don't play our pieces right." A man says while looking down at the table, thinking. Another man speaks, "Isn't Six Commandments just something made up so THL members doesn't get too cocky?" he asks. Another man says that, "It has been 4 years since he has been in this business, just because he took care of a few men that were trying to kill him doesn't mean he is invincible." "True, it's been a while since he's even been in the game. And while he was quite formidable back then, who knows how he is now?" the first mans says, his tone still carrying doubt. "Then again, just knowing that he survived an attempt on his life already proves that he has an extremely strong resolve," the third man adds, expressing a somewhat contrasting opinion. "So how do we go about breaking his resolve then?" The three men remain silent for a moment, each seeming to consider the difficulties that they might face regarding breaking Naoya's resolve. Finally, the second man speaks up again.

"We need to gather more information about him," he says. "Information we can use to hit him where it hurts."

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