Inevitable, Part 2

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A sense of surprise and caution overcomes Naoya as he hears the unexpected voice. He turns towards the direction of the sound, his eyes taking a moment to adapt to the darkness. A figure moves from behind the tree, its outlines barely visible. "She throws a knife at Naoya." Without warning, the figure throws a sharp knife in Naoya's direction. Quick reflexes and years of training kick in, and he barely manages to dodge it, the blade grazing past his shoulder and embedding into the bench. The attack triggers an adrenaline rush through his veins. "I am never too old for ice cream, Asuka." Naoya says with a grin. Naoya's response seems nonchalant, his expression a mix of nonchalance and defiance. He carefully pulls the blade from the bench, feeling the sharp edge with his fingers. It's obvious that he recognizes the woman, and there is an air of familiarity in the way he addresses her. "I thought you were sentenced to death in court?" Naoya asks. 

"You know me better than to expect a death sentence will keep me down." Asuka's response carries a smirk, a testament to her resilience. Her eyes dart towards the knife in Naoya's hand for a second before returning to his face. "I am not stupid to believe you came here alone. Naoya's statement pierces the silence, his voice calm and composed. He senses the presence of more than just Asuka, but he wants confirmation. There is a sharpness in his eyes as he waits for an answer." Asuka's smirk widens slightly at his question. "Definitely more than one." Her response is concise and firm, revealing that she indeed did not come here alone. She eyes him steadily, waiting for his reaction. "I was hoping for a quiet peaceful ten minutes in this park. However, I would never say no to some action." Naoya's response surprises Asuka slightly. Her smirk fades momentarily before transforming into a wicked smile. "You haven't changed, Naoya. Always ready for a fight." There is an edge of anticipation in her voice, a hint of excitement. It seems she finds thrill in challenging him. "At the very least tell me since when you were following me." Naoya says. Asuka looks him up and down and decides to answer anyway. "Since your visit to the convenience store a few minutes back." Naoya nods and says, "I see." He then continues, "I thought you found a husband for yourself. What happened? Killed him like the others?" 

"Don't worry, my personal life is none of your business." Asuka's voice is sharp and dismissive. The change in topic visibly annoys her, but she composes herself quickly. "Let's focus on the matter at hand." "Hypocrite, you guys are getting your noses in my personal life right now though." Naoya mocks her. Asuka's eyes narrow at his words, clearly not amused by his taunt. "This is different. We came here for a reason." Her tone is business-like, making it clear that she's not here for playful banter. "Hearing 500 mil brought out a sick fuck like you out of retirement home it seems." Naoya claims with a grin. Asuka's lips twist in a sardonic smile, amused (and slightly offended) by his claim. "500 mil is a hefty sum. Anyone would come out of retirement for that." Her eyes gleam with greed, showing her mercenary nature. Naoya looks directly into her eyes and asks. "How's your brother doing?" The mention of her brother's name has a visible effect on Asuka. Her demeanor immediately changes, her expression hardens. There is a fire in her eyes, a mixture of anger and grief. She takes a deep breath, trying to control her emotions. "Let's not go there," she retorts coldly. The subject is clearly a sensitive one. "Don't tell me what to do, you psycho." Naoya throws the knife to one of the man that was right behind him in the bushes. The thrown knife lands exactly where Naoya aimed, burying into the man's shoulder. His scream echoes through the park, making Asuka's face go pale momentarily. She clearly hadn't expected him to react that quickly. Naoya speaks without turning around. "If you are going to shoot me, then do it. What are you moving like that for?" he asks the man. The second man emerges, his gun aimed and ready to fire. There's a brief moment of hesitation, uncertainty in his eyes. After a moment, he pulls the trigger, the sound of the gun firing pierces the night air.

The bullet whizzes through the air, heading straight towards Naoya's back. For a moment, it seems like it will hit its mark. But Naoya's senses are heightened and honed to a razor's edge. Just as the bullet is about to strike, he pivots slightly to the side. The bullet grazes his arm instead of piercing his back. Despite the minor wound, he doesn't show any signs of pain. "Okay Asuka, let's play." Naoya rushes to Asuka and throws a left hook. Asuka's reflexes are sharp, but not as fast as Naoya's. She tries to dodge the left hook, but it connects, landing on her face with a solid impact. The force of the hit snaps her head back, and she stumbles backward, a look of surprise and pain etched on her face. Naoya follows up and catches her from her neck. Getting behind her and using her as hostage so others cannot shoot him that easily. Naoya's move catches Asuka unaware, and she finds herself snatched up before she can react. She struggles against his grip, trying to break free, but it's futile. He holds her tightly by the neck, positioning himself behind her shield. As Naoya swiftly disarms Asuka, grabbing the gun from her waist, the two men hesitate, unsure of what to do. Naoya's quick actions and strategic positioning have them in a precarious situation. With Asuka held as a human shield and the gun now in his possession, he has the upper hand.

 "You have exactly 5 seconds to tell me who you work for, Asuka. Or you know well what I will do." Asuka's eyes widen, a mixture of fear and defiance in her expression. She tries to keep her voice steady as she mutters the name through gritted teeth, "Point Extort." Naoya chuckles in response. "Then I have no reason to leave you guys alive." He shoots Asuka in the head right afterwards. The sound of the gunshot echoes in the quiet park, followed by a chilling silence. The two men stand frozen in shock, trying to process what just happened. Naoya releases his grip on Asuka's now lifeless body, which crumples to the ground. With a nonchalant shrug, he turns towards the two men, his gun still trained on them. "I thought you two were trained professionals? What's wrong? Aren't you two going to shoot me?" Naoya asks like he was itching to get shot. The two men exchange a quick glance. Fear is evident in their eyes, but it's mixed with a grim determination. They slowly raise their guns, aiming them at Naoya. Before they decide to even press the trigger of their guns, Naoya shoots them both from the head back to back. The shots ring out through the air once more, the sound echoing eerily in the park. The men crumple to the ground, their bodies adding to the grim tableau. Naoya stands there, his breathing steady, his body language nonchalant. The park is eerily silent once more, the only sound being the faint rustling of leaves in the breeze.

Naoya stares at the bodies lying motionless on the ground, their lifeless forms a stark contrast to the tranquil park surroundings. His expression betrays no emotion, his gaze as stoic and unflinches as ever. He's seen death before, dealt it out many times. It's almost second nature to him now. Naoya takes a moment to survey the park, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of additional enemies. His senses are on high alert, every leaf stirring and every small sound heightened in his perception. After a few moments, he is satisfied that there is no immediate threat. Afterwards, Naoya concludes that it would be unwise to return to the hideout immediately after the encounter, given the possibility of being followed. Instead, he makes the decision to find another location to spend the night, opting for caution over comfort. Naoya turns away from the park, his footsteps purposeful as he begins to walk away. The park fades into the night behind him, its tranquility shattered by the confrontation that just occurred. He keeps a steady pace, his steps making little sound on the sidewalk. His destination isn't certain, but he moves with a sense of purpose, intending to find a safe haven for the night. 

I'm tired of killing just because of the price on my head. When will this end? he thinks to himself. Naoya ponders as he walks, the night envelops him in quiet solitude. His thoughts drift to the constant pursuit caused by the price on his head. He feels weary, both physically and mentally, from the endless cycle of violence and survival. A sense of exhaustion washes over him, his shoulders heavy with the weight of his past deeds. It's been a long time since I completely discarded my emotions... He thinks for a few more seconds and decides, It's time to let the dead self take over from this point. As Naoya continues walking, a decision starts to form in his mind. His emotions, once suppressed for years, are stirring, threatening to break his cold, stoic exterior. With a sense of resolve, he finally confronts the darkness inside, surrendering himself to the part of him that has been buried deep within. The shift in his demeanor is subtle yet profound, as if a switch has been flipped. 

Bring it on. I will kill each and every single one of you. 

Naoya's resolution hardens, his inner darkness taking the reins, his mind now focused solely on survival and revenge. His footsteps become more determined, his body filled with a cold, focused energy. He glances over his shoulder, almost as if taunting the unknown assassins lurking in the shadows.

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