Enshrouded Tabulation, Part 3

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The men's confusion turns to anger as they hear Naoya's taunt. Their faces twist with fury, their bodies visibly tensing in response. One of them, the one holding the pistol, raises it towards Naoya in a threatening gesture. "Shut your mouth," he growls, his voice filled with menace. "Who the fuck are you?" "Aww, I am so terrified believe me. Whatever shall I do about you two?"

The man with the pistol seems taken aback by Naoya's lack of fear, his arm dropping slightly in momentary confusion. His companion, papers shaking in his hands, stares at Naoya with a mixture of disbelief and anger. The tension in the room thickens further. Naoya walks more until he is standing right in between them. One on his left, other one his right. "Now, where are the women?" The men exchange a glance, their unease growing as Naoya closes the distance between them. The one holding the papers swallows hard, sweat beading on his forehead. The one with the pistol scoffs. "Like hell we'd tell you," he snarls, his grip tightening on the weapon. Naoya lets out a mocking scoff, his smirk widening. "And here I thought you thugs had more brains than that," he quips, his voice dripping with amusement. "You think I need you to tell me?" He takes a step closer, his body tensing in preparation for a fight. "I just wanted to give you a chance to save yourselves some pain." He adds, "And to make it fair, I will only use one finger. Bring it on nasty fuck heads." The men's faces darken with irritation as Naoya taunts them, their tempers flaring. The one holding the gun clenches his jaw, aiming it straight at Naoya's chest. "Last chance to back off," he growls. "You're only making this harder on yourself."

"Hard on me? I don't think so," Naoya replies, his mocking tone never wavering. He raises his index finger, waggling it playfully. "Like I said, just one finger, and I'll send you on a trip to dreamland. Your call." The men exchange a brief but intense glance, silently deciding if they want to take the gamble. The tension in the room rises again, both men poised for a fight. The one with the gun clenches his jaw, steeling himself. "So be it." The moment those words leave the man's lips, Naoya moves with lightning speed. His index finger darts forward like a snake striking its prey. With a precise and powerful jab, he strikes the first man in the throat, cutting off his breath and sending him crumpling to the ground. Without missing a beat, Naoya whirls around to face the second man. His finger flicks with a precision like a viper's strike, aiming straight for the man's wrist holding the pistol. The impact is sharp and accurate, causing the man to drop the gun with a yelp of pain and surprise. As the man stumbles back, clutching his injured wrist, Naoya strikes again. His finger jabs forward, this time targeting the man's solar plexus with surgical accuracy. The blow lands with a dull thud, sending the man gasping for breath. "While you two catch your breath, It's time that I did some investigation on my own." He takes the gun from the ground and throws it outside the room. He comes back and takes the documentation one of the men was holding. Naoya stands over the two men, both now groaning in pain and struggling to catch their breath. He bends down and picks up the fallen pistol, then casually throws it out of the room. With the documents in hand, he looks down at the defeated men with a smirk. Naoya flips open the folder he picked up and starts perusing the contents. His eyes dart across the pages as he scans the documents with a keen eye, his expression hardening as he begins to piece together the details. 

"So, let's get this straight..." Naoya drops the documents with a very angry face. "You guys not only sell women like they are some object, but also sell children too?" The men, still catching their breaths, visibly gulp as Naoya's voice cuts through the air. The weight of his words and the realization of what those documents reveal hits them like a ton of bricks. The room falls into a tense silence, the atmosphere thick with guilt and fear. Naoya's anger simmers just below the surface, his fingers involuntarily clenching into fists. He looks down at the men, disgust written all over his face. "You two are a special kind of sick," he spits out, his voice laced with venom. "Selling women is one thing, but children?" "I'm giving you two only five seconds to start telling me where you guys keep children and women in this building and in other hideouts." Naoya activates the radio via it's button too. The men, still trying to catch their breath, visibly tremble before Naoya's ire. The mention of children has clearly shaken them, their faces turning ashen. However, it's clear they don't want to talk easily. Naoya stares at them for a few moments, his gaze piercing. 

The men glance at each other, their fear growing with each ticking second. One of them gulps, his eyes flickering towards the door as if looking for an escape.
The room is filled with tension as the countdown continues. The men's breathing becomes more rapid, their faces glistening with sweat. They glance at each other and then at Naoya, terror and desperation in their eyes.
Naoya's voice remains steady as he continues the countdown. The men exchange panicked glances, realizing the dire situation they're in. Their breaths are labored, their bodies trembling. They seem desperate to find a way out.
The pressure mounts further. The countdown reaches the second mark, and the men's faces twist in terror. Sweat beads down their foreheads, their mouths moving silently as they contemplate their options.
The tension in the room reaches a climax as the countdown finishes. The men, unable to withstand the pressure any longer, hastily attempt to talk. However...

"The time is up."

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