Office Work

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Jun is inside an abandoned warehouse. Sitting on a small wooden crate in front of boss and his men. There are quite a few men protecting the boss. "So, if you are here without Naoya's corpse, you failed to kill him." The boss says. "I am indeed here without Naoya's corpse," Jun responds calmly, showing no signs of fear or uncertainty. The boss looks at him and scowls, still clearly unhappy with the arrangement. "You failed to kill him, as I had feared," the boss nods his head. "And for that failure, you must be punished," the boss continues with a scowl on his face. He turns to address his men, who are all watching the situation closely and awaiting an order. "Shoot him." 

Jun immediately takes out his firearm and opens fire, shooting the men that are closest to him and taking cover behind a wall. The men are caught by surprise, and they quickly return fire, exchanging bullets with Jun. The gunshots ring out in the warehouse, echoing through the enclosed space and disrupting any sense of calm. The men continue to return fire, pushing towards the position where they last spotted Jun in order to get a better shot. Jun also fires back occasionally, aiming his shots carefully in hopes of prevent them from approaching and hitting his opponents. Fuck, I am almost out of bullets. It's now or never. Jun leaves his cover and jumps sideways hoping to shoot the man that is closest to him. The man closest to Jun is just as surprised by his sudden movement as the other men, and he freezes for a split second upon noticing Jun. It's just enough time for Jun to aim and shoot. The bullet hits the man directly in the chest, causing him to immediately fall to the ground. Jun notices that now that he is out of the cover, the men can shoot him easily. "I didn't think this through, I'm dead!" he thinks to himself and closes his eyes. 

Naoya gets in front of him and shoots the four of the men back to back with his stun gun that were about to shoot Jun. The sudden gunshots catch the firing men off-guard, and they are quickly hit by Naoya's accurate shots. Four of them drop instantly, and the other three are shaken by the sudden interruption in the battle. Meanwhile, Jun remains frozen in place with his eyes closed, expecting to get hit by a stray bullet. However, the gunshots have ceased, and Jun quickly opens his eyes, startled to see that Naoya prevented him from getting shot. Boss notices that the person that arrived is none other than Naoya Koji. "Shit! He's here, It's Naoya Koji, kill him!" he orders his men. The other men rushes at him. Naoya immediately unarms the first man that ran at him by hitting the weak spot in his neck and making him pass out. He follows up with the second man. The man attempts to stab him with his knife but Naoya easily catches his arm and elbows him on the side of his neck, knocking him out. He takes the knife from the man and uses knife's spine to hit the third man from the neck. Making him drop unconscious too. He rushes to the final few men and boss. "You're the only one who needs to die in this group of men, Takagi" Naoya says calmly to the boss. He knocks out other men one by one before they can even get to shoot him until there is only the boss left. "Naoya, you fucking worthless tra-"
Before the boss can even finish his sentence, Naoya shoots him right in the forehead, ending his life instantly. The warehouse is now silent, and the only noise is the echo of the gunshot coming from the boss's body falling to the ground.

Incredible, so this is the the man everyone feared at some point. Jun thinks to himself. 
"How did you know exactly when to come and protect me?" "I placed a small camera on your shirt while you were asleep, this way I could see everything you were seeing today." he says plainly as if there is nothing wrong with that. He does not trust me one bit, his guard is up even right now. "Mr. Naoya, I..."  before he gets to say anything, his sentence gets interrupted. "I am assuming you have nowhere to stay right now. And obviously no one to work for." he continues, "You are working for me from now on, I can pay you and you can live with me." he says.
Me? Work for...?

The Next Day

"Mr. Naoya, I don't exactly understand what you want from me but do I really have to do office work of all the jobs?" Naoya turns to Jun after he hears this and responds, "I introduced you to my boss as my "errand boy" so you work for me, rather than him. You will be dealing with the paperwork that I do and many more." Jun sighs in response to this and speaks, "Okay but like, why are you grinning ear to ear right now? To mock me?" Naoya begins to speak right afterwards, "Me? No. It's just that the date with Ms. Fujiwara went really well last night. Which is why I am happy." He adds, "Why? Something wrong with me being happy?" "N-No, nothing wrong with it, it's just that I am not used to seeing you smile like that. It's almost creepy." In the middle of this lively conversation, Ms. Fujiwara walks into the scene with a smile on her face. Her presence immediately draws the attention of both Naoya and Jun, who both turn to look at her simultaneously. Naoya's smile slightly falters when he sees her, and he immediately attempts to compose himself and hide his emotions.

Ms. Fujiwara continues to walk towards the pair with a smile on her face, seemingly oblivious to the fact that her arrival has caused Naoya's previously cheerful demeanor to vanish temporarily. She walks directly up to Naoya and reaches out to touch his arm gently. Naoya's smile returns as he feels Ms. Fujiwara's touch on his arm, and he looks over at her with a warm look in his eyes. She seems to have a calming and soothing effect on him, and he seems relaxed and content in her presence. As she continues to stand close to him, she speaks gently and warmly to him. "Good morning, Naoya," Ms. Fujiwara greetings with a gentle smile, her tone perfectly suited for welcoming him to her existence. Naoya responds with a pleasant smile of his own, returning the words and tone she's just spoken. "Good morning to you as well, Ms. Fujiwara," he says, his voice matching hers perfectly. "Do you have any plans for the weekend?" Ms. Fujiwara asks casually, her tone still playful and inviting. She stands close to him, making her presence known and engaging in conversation. Naoya doesn't seem to have any particular plans for the weekend, but he's eager to engage in a playful exchange with her. He decides to talk like he doesn't know what day it is. "Oh, today is Friday. I got no plans for the weekend." "That sound pretty boring," Ms. Fujiwara says playfully, her tone indicating that she's only half-joking. Naoya immediately responds, keeping the playful mood going. "You could maybe make the weekend not boring?" Naoya responds directly, adding a flirty undertone to his words. Ms. Fujiwara chuckles softly, amused by the flirtatious comment. She seems to understand his intent, and she responds in a way that allows for the playful back and forth to continue. "Hmm, maybe I could do that," she replies in a playful tone, maintaining the casual feel of the conversation but adding a hint of flirtation as well. While hearing all this back and forth flirting, Jun gets irritated and speaks, "Could you two please stop flirting while I'm here?" Jun says, louder than he'd planned. The flirtatious conversation between Naoya and Ms. Fujiwara immediately comes to a halt, and both Naoya and Ms. Fujiwara turns their attention to Jun. Ms. Fujiwara decides to ask a question, "Is he a new recruit, Naoya?" she asks politely. Naoya looks back at Ms. Fujiwara and responds, "He is kind of my new errand boy. He will be helping me finish my work faster." Ms. Fujiwara gets intrigued by this and asks, "Could he possibly help me finish my work faster too?" Naoya looks at Jun with a devilish smile and responds to Ms. Fujiwara. "Of course he could help you too."
"Oh now you have done it Mr Naoya!" he yells internally and responds to Ms. Fujiwara with a fake smile on his face,

"Of course, I could help you both. It would be my pleasure."

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