Dangerous Date

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Ms. Fujiwara remains calm as Naoya alerts her to their surroundings. "Don't drop your guard, Ms. Fujiwara." Naoya says quickly. "Now that we are outside, we have to be extra careful. Those two men are still following us. I also noticed one man on the lookout staring us down from a window. Ms. Fujiwara nods in understanding, trying to stay vigilant and alert. She keeps her eyes peeled and scans her surroundings for any signs of trouble, while still trying to keep an easygoing facade. "I cannot make a call either. They will immediately suspect of me calling police." Naoya says, his tone remaining calm and nonchalant. Ms. Fujiwara quickly realizes that he's right. If she were to make a phone call right now, the men following them would immediately become suspicious of the two of them. She also notes that she cannot attempt to reach out to the police. "Yeah, you're right about that. If they suspect that we're calling the cops, it will escalate the situation immediately." Ms. Fujiwara agrees with Naoya's logic. Naoya nods again, continuing to keep a cool demeanor despite the seriousness of the situation. "Let's just try to stay calm and go about our date like normal. If you were not with me, I would've got done with them already." He urges her once more to remain calm and act naturally. Naoya acknowledges this fact calmly, which causes Ms. Fujiwara to raise an eyebrow curiously. "So, you can handle yourself in a situation like this?" She asks, her tone still casual despite the hint of worry and curiosity in her voice. "Of course, I can. I'm not some helpless guy that needs protection all the time," he says confidently, his tone light and playful. "I've dealt with far worse situations than this one before." Naoya's response contains more than a hint of confidence and arrogance. But behind that facade, there's also a genuine assurance that if things were to escalate, he could protect her if necessary. 

"They already know where you live," he says to Ms. Fujiwara with caution, hinting at the urgency of the situation. "We should walk to somewhere crowded so they don't try to shoot us or do anything else like that." Ms. Fujiwara responds immediately, expressing her concern and agreeing with his suggestion.  "Let's go," Naoya says, starting to move forward towards the nearest crowd of people. Ms. Fujiwara follows his lead, realizing the importance of staying in a crowded area. She doesn't want to take any further risks in case they decide to do something drastic. The two of them quickly reach the nearest crowd and walk through it together, maintaining a normal pace and appearing nonchalant. "I have an idea," Naoya says, his voice a mix of calm and determination. "Let's enter a convenience store or another place. We can inform someone inside to call the police." Ms. Fujiwara perks up in surprise at his suggestion. It's a good idea, and it's something that she wouldn't have thought of on her own. But there's one concern on her mind. "That's a good idea," Ms. Fujiwara says happily, feeling a bit relieved at the possibility of receiving outside help. "But there's one concern on my mind," she continues, as her tone shifts to a more serious, cautious note. "What if they realize that we've gone into a store to call the cops and try to come after us inside?" "For a normal person, that is the worst case. But for me, it is the best case. I can knock both out before they even realize what hit them." "When you put it that way, it definitely sounds like the ideal scenario." Ms. Fujiwara can't help but smile. She wasn't expecting his response to be so casually confident, but she likes it. "It's certainly better than just running away and trying to lose them. And if you think you can take care of it yourself, then I trust your judgment." She nods her head in agreement, ready to follow Naoya's plan.

"Okay listen, walk in front of me and act like you are in a rush to enter restroom of the convenience store. However, tell the cashier we are being followed and the person to call the cops. I will act like I'm looking around and waiting on you. You should enter restroom anyway because we don't want you to get hurt in the case of a confrontation or maybe even shots fired. In the case they only enter and act like they are normal customers, They fall right into my trap." Naoya says. Ms. Fujiwara listens carefully to Naoya's plan, nodding to show that she understands each step. She's willing to play her part in the charade and follow his directions to the letter. "Okay, you got it. I'll walk in front of you and pretend like I'm rushed to enter the restroom. Then I'll tell the cashier that we're being followed and ask them to call the cops. I'll go into the restroom and keep myself safe." "Perfect, let the plan begin." Naoya says as he and Ms. Fujiwara begin to carry out their plan.

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