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As the alarm sounds out Kristie expects Nikki to turn it off but when she doesn't the blonde turns over and realizes that she's alone in bed and based on the cold sheets has been for quite awhile. She hits the screen to stop the noise before flipping the covers back and making her way out of the bedroom.

"Nik? Babe? You here?" Not hearing a response, she investigates and finds a note on the fridge door.

"Morning, beautiful; I couldn't sleep and didn't want to disrupt your much needed beauty sleep ;-) so I left a little early to gather myself before the meeting. I'll see you at training (hopefully). XO"

New Message

Lover: Are you okay?

Nikki: I'm fine. Currently enjoying a coffee and watching the city wake up around me.

Lover: Let me guess, you're in the park.

Nikki: I am and don't worry, I'm not alone. Whizzer says thanks for the gum.

Lover: Breakfast date without me, huh?

Nikki: Yep. You're a big girl, I'm sure you can handle making yourself something to eat.

Lover: Always about eating with you, isn't it?

Nikki: It's my favourite 😏

Lover: Nik, remember that regardless of the outcome of your meeting; I'm fucking proud of you and can't wait to spend my life with you. ❤️

Nikki smiles seeing the message while she finishes her coffee along with her now cold breakfast burrito. Taking a few minutes to catch her breath and take in her surroundings, she stands up, tosses her garbage, collects her bags, puts in her headphones, selects a playlist and then walks a few blocks before grabbing a train in the direction of the Gotham headquarters.

As she stands on the sidewalk, Nikki pulls out her phone to check the time and then slowly makes the walk towards the building for what possibly could be the last time as an active member of the roster.

Security smiles and acknowledges her as she makes the long walk by passing the players area and instead heading towards where the office spaces are. As she goes to knock on the door it opens, almost as if they sensed she was there.

"Good morning."

"Morning, Coach."

"Please come in and have a seat."

"I'd prefer not too if you're about to tell me that I'm being released."

"You should sit down then." Nikki looks over at the other members of the Coaching staff present in the room.

Nikki looks up, "I'm not being released?"

"Sit down and we'll talk."

Nikki places her bags down and takes a seat.

"I was told you were a special player and that if I gave you time and space, you'd show me exactly what you're capable of and what you'd be bringing and contributing to the roster. Emma wasn't wrong about any of that, she also told me that I'd be daft and regret it, if I didn't offer you a contract. So, I'm doing just that; Nikki, Gotham FC would like to offer you an initial one-year contract with an option for a second year."

"You're serious?" Nikki feels her eyes welling up with tears and does her best to fit back the urge to jump up, yell and scream.

"We are. Is this something you'd be interested in?"

Nikki smiles and nods, "YES!!"

"It's normal that players have someone review the terms of their contract before signing, and we have no contact information for your agent of record."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 24 ⏰

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