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Nikki runs her fingers over Kristie's naked body and hears giggling. "That tickles." 

"Where? Right here?" Nikki makes a line towards her hip and over and feels the woman in bed with her pull back. "So, it is right there." Removing her hand, Nikki instead kisses her way down Kristie's side, taking a little extra time to make her squirm as she kisses one particular spot. 

"Told you. Everyone has a spot that they're ticklish." 

"Okay, I'll give. So, where's your spot?" 

Nikki looks up and winks at her, "I'm not telling; you're just going to have to explore and find out for yourself." 

Kristie smiles and laughs, "Fine, but, first ..." She pulls Nikki up for a series of long kisses, before they lay in each others arms.

"Can I ask you something, Nikki?" 

"You just did." 

"I'm being serious. I noticed that you have a couple of scars on your leg, can I ask what they're from?" 

"Had an accident and my leg was broken in two spots; they put plates in to stabilize, but I reacted to the metal and they had to be removed." Kristie can tell that it's not an easy thing for Nikki to talk about and doesn't push for more information, instead kissing the top of her head and holding her tightly. 

Hearing a noise Kristie is brought back to reality and climbs off the bed in search for her phone. Locating it, she turns the alarm off. 

Nikki sits up and looks at her, "Do you have to go?" 

Kristie shakes her head and sits on the end of the bed, "Not yet. That was just my wake-up alarm." Looking down at the floor and her clothes, Kristie looks over at Nikki, "Don't suppose that I could borrow some clothes, huh? I really don't want to have to deal with the comments if I walk in wearing what I was last night." 

Nikki laughs, "I completely understand. How about I get some coffee and breakfast on and you can have free reign on looking through my closet and drawers for clothes?" 

"That'd be awesome, thank you." Kristie wraps her arms around Nikki's waist as she stands up and kisses her. "We're good, right?" 

Nikki nods, "I'm sorry." Nikki takes a breath, "It's just there are some things that are in my past and that's where I want to keep them." 

"Do you think there will ever come a time, when, you'll feel up to talking to me about them?" 

"Maybe. I can't guarantee a time frame, though." 

Kristie smiles and nods, "Okay. We have plenty of time ahead to learn more about each other, so, please, don't feel rushed. Actually, one last question and then we can hopefully have breakfast together ... what's your last name?" 

Nikki bursts out laughing, "That's really your question?" 

Kristie nods, "It is." 

"Scott, and my real name is Nicole, not Nikki." 

"Mine is Kristen." 

"I prefer Kristie." 

"That's good, because, I'm having a hard time picturing you as a Nicole."

Nikki gives a soft smile before grabbing her shirt from the floor and pulling it over her head before walking out of the room and heading to the bathroom. 

Kristie looks around Nikki's room and she's plenty of pictures of Nikki and her sister, Kristie can't help but laugh when she sees a picture of a younger Nikki playing the drums. 

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