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Kristie stands and watches the people go by while being slightly upset at Nikki and her tardiness. 

Nikki approaches her and stops clearly out of breath from moving quickly, "Hey, beautiful, sorry, I'm late. Some dude was walking on the tracks and they had to stop the trains while the police dealt with him."

"You couldn't have messaged me that?" 

"I tried, but you know how spotty the service can be in certain areas." 

Kristie smiles and nods, "I'm just glad that you're finally here, I was getting worried."

"I'm here now, so you can stop worrying." 

Kristie smiles at her all the while thinking that, that's easier said than done, in the short time she's known the dark haired woman, she's fallen for her. 

They share a hug and kiss and Kristie looks at what Nikki is carrying with her. 

"So, you were serious about a picnic in the park?" 

Nikki smiles and nods, "I was and am. I've always seen families and couples doing it and I thought it would be a nice change of pace for us. I'm still exhausted from yesterday and I'm sure you're tired from work as well, so, here we are. Now, it's up to you to pick the spot; might, I suggest somewhere away from the crowd." 

"And why would that be?" Kristie looks at her and smiles. 

"Because, I want you all to myself and also, I don't want to feel like an animal on exhibit at the zoo as some people have a tendency to either watch or voice their opinion with regards to couples." 

Kristie takes her hand and they walk around for a bit before settling on a spot and getting setup. 

Sitting down on the blanket, Nikki opens up the bag and begins pulling out containers of food and placing them down on it. "Sorry, it's not super fancy, it's all we had in the apartment and I didn't have time to shop this morning." 

Kristie smiles, "It's perfect and sweet, like you." 

Nikki looks at her and laughs, "I've never been called sweet before; It's kinda weird."

"Would you prefer I call you sexy, then?" 

"Save that for the bedroom," Nikki winks, "Right now, let's get to eating before the ants or seagulls decide to join our picnic."

Kristie can't help but laugh at Nikki's propensity to always be able to come up some form of retort. 

Raising their cans of Le Croix, they laugh as they clank them against each other, "Cheers!" 


Kristie takes a drink and then sets the can down beside her. "This has been fun, but, you know what would be even funner?" 

"Frozen yogourt?" 

"Mmmm, tempting, but, I was thinking more along the lines of this." Kristie leans over and draws Nikki in for a series of kisses, before laying her back on the blanket and continuing the action. 

Nikki looks up at Kristie as she props herself over her and wipes her eyes as tears threaten to fall. "What's going on? Did I do something wrong?" Kristie moves over and sits beside her. 


"No, what?" 

"You didn't do anything wrong." 

"Okay, so, why the tears then?" 

Nikki sits up and looks at her girlfriend, taking a couple of deep breaths to compose herself before talking. "It's a little overwhelming, everything; I mean, you and us and this and ... you make me happy." 

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