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Nikki turns over and slowly opens her eyes, blinking and trying to figure out where she currently is. Looking around, she realizes that she's in Brynn's office and as she sits up is met with a head rush. 

"Oh, God." She holds her head. 

"Morning, sleeping beauty." 

Nikki looks over towards the office down and finds Brynn standing there with two coffees and a bag. 


"I sent her home to get some sleep and go to work, told her that I'd look after you."  

"She was here?" 

Brynn nods, "Yeah, we crashed in the booths, because, someone stole the couch." 

"Sorry." Nikki stands up and regrets her decision immediately. "I need to pee and maybe throw up. How much did I drink last night?" 

Brynn sets the coffees and bag on her desk and helps Nikki, "You didn't actually drink that much; it was more about an emotional overload than anything." 

"Paige told you?" 

"About you Dad needing a liver and both of you being tested to see if you're a match." 

"I really hope that I'm not." 

Brynn nods, "Go to the washroom and freshen up; I'm going to get changed into the clothes that Piper dropped off for me along with our breakfast." 

"Thank you for looking after me." 

"You're welcome; now, go pee before I have to clean up a puddle in the middle of the damn floor."

Nikki chuckles before navigating her way to the employee washroom and doing what she needs to do in order to feel more human. 

Walking back to Brynn's office, she catched her boss and friend mid getting dressed, "Nice ink." 

"Thanks. How are you feeling?" 

"Exhausted both mentally and physically." 

"Understandable. You should probably call your girlfriend, she called a couple of times. I answered once and told her you were sleeping and would call her in the morning." 

"You spoke to Kristie? Please tell me that you said who you were, so, you won't assume that I was cheating on her." 

"Don't worry, I told her who I was and that you weren't feeling well after work, so you ended up crashing at the club." 

"Was she okay with that explanation?" 

"Concerned and confused, about a message you apparently left her." 

"I don't remember calling her or leaving a message." 

"Not suprised; now, please eat."

Nikki polishes off her breakfast and sips away on the coffee, "I thought that I was over it all and put it behind me, you know?" 

Brynn nods, "Paige told me that you have PTSD."

"What exactly, did, she tell you about me and it?" 

"That you were diagnosed with anxiety as a teenager as a result of your abusive Father and being kicked out for being gay." 

"What else? I know my sister and she has a big mouth; she told you about my soccer career or lack there of it, didn't she?"

"She made me promise not to let on that she had, but, yes; she told me the basics. Why didn't you attempt a comeback after what happened to your leg? I mean, you're still young and from what I can tell in pretty good shape." 

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