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Nikki watches Kristie from afar as her girlfriend enters the Gotham FC training facility ahead of her. She takes some deep breaths and engages in some self talk to hype herself up before checking her phone to ensure that enough time has passed to allow for their staggered entrances.

Once inside she looks for a familiar face or two to follow and smiles upon seeing Jenna signaling for her to come over and join the group of her, Nealy and Delanie.


"Morning. So, how does this work?"

"We get changed and head out to the pitch for warmups; same as always."

"Right. My bad. I'm just a little off this morning."

The group chuckles and nods. "First day jitters, we've all got them."

"Difference being as that you guys have all been through a full camp before, I'm still figuring things out."

Delanie smiles, "Just follow us and you'll be fine."

"Thanks, D."

Nikki looks at the number 41 on her Gotham branded gear and it still doesn't look right, but she's starting to get used to it. Looking around the room, she checks out what the others are wearing in order to ensure she's dressed appropriately before grabbing her cleats and having a good laugh at the fact that someone decided to knot up her laces. Sitting in the chair she's glad she has enough nail to be able to pull them apart and then slides them on her feet before ensuring they're all tied up and tucked in as she prefers them. With it being training the players generally don't wear shin guards and or high socks, so she fixes her Nike branded socks before standing up and heading out with a group of the players.

After warmups are completed, the players are tossed coloured pinnies and separated into smaller groups to work on drills and then in small side games against one another.

Downing some water, Nikki listens and absorbs everything that's being said around her for what they're looking to see from the players and does her best to execute to the best of her ability.

Taking a pass from Nealy, she looks around and with no one on her side within range for a pass, she plants and lets fly a left footed strike that clanks the crossbar above Haught before being cleared out. The play continues to unfold and she runs back to help defend, intercepting a pass meant for Lynn and knocking the ball ahead to Nealy who unchallenged dribbles forward. Nikki pivots and runs up the flank before moving inward, seeing the ball over the top she jumps and connects this time seeing the ball finds its mark behind Haught and receiving cheers from the players around her.

"Good hustle, Scott!"

Nikki nods and jogs back as they restart the mini game after switching out some of the players and introducing Kristie on her side. Nikki smiles at the blonde, knowing that things are about to get real as both of the players will be doing whatever they can to get her a good look in front of the players and coaching staff.

As Kristie gets dirty in the midfield, it causes a turnover and Nikki gets the ball back to Kelley, who restarts the play from the back, hitting the diagonal to Jenna who's making moves on the opposite flank. Despite the fluidity in the movement, the result isn't what they hoped for as an offensive zone turnover results in a quick break out and the other side finding the netting behind Betos.

The training session continues on for a bit longer before they're all called in and given some final instructions before completing a cool down session.

Nikki pairs up with Delanie and they complete their cool down together.

"Did you get that interview scheduled?"

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