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Nikki unlocks the apartment door, walks over to the couch and collapses on it. Happy to finally be home but, also exhausted.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you that shouldn't leave your door open or unlocked, because you never know who's going to wander in?"

Nikki chuckles, before standing up, walking towards her sister and hugging her. "What are you doing here?"

Paige turns and closes the door. "I figured you'd be getting home around now and wanted to check in. Also, I stopped on the way and got you, your favourite." Paige lifts her arm and shows the bag of subs she brought to share. "Where's Kris?"

"She didn't want to be seen leaving with me, so, she hung back with Lynn; they're going to grab supper together and she'll be home sometime later."

Nikki scrunches her nose, "I just realized, we've no food in the house for the morning and I don't really fancy a trip to the bodega right now."

Paige chuckles, "Then I guess you're lucky to have a sister who had the foresight to go ahead and make sure you had some staples for when you got home, along with a six pack. You want one?"

"Hell, yes! Have I told you how much I love you lately, Paigey?"

Paige chuckles, "I missed you. Let's eat, drink and you can fill me in on everything."

Nikki smiles and nods.

The two sisters spend the next few hours catching up on all the details of their lives, including the quickly approaching wedding of Brynn and Piper, Paige's own wedding planning, Vibe, school and of course, Nikki and Kristie.

"What's on your mind, Nik?"

"Just thinking that Brynn and Piper's wedding falls during the season and if I make the team, I'm not sure I'll be able to attend it now."

Paige chuckles, "I checked the schedule and Gotham will be at home that weekend for a game against San Diego on Sunday evening. The wedding is Saturday afternoon at The Bellevue in Philly, you should have plenty of time to enjoy both."

"How am I supposed to make a speech if I'm not going to be able to drink?"

"I'm sure one glass of champagne is acceptable. As for your speech, you've never struggled for words when it matters most and Brynn and Pipes are family, just speak from the heart and you'll be fine."

"I'm willing to bet that you've already written your speech and have it down on index cards to memorize, don't you?"

Paige bursts out laughing and nods, "Not the entire speech, just notes. Am I really that predictable?"

Nikki smiles, nods and laughs. "Totally! And I'm forever grateful to have a nerd like you as a sister because otherwise, I'm not sure I'd have been able to stay on top of everything recently. Who'd of thought that actually having a schedule and writing things down, means they get done and not forgotten about or left until the last minute."

Paige smiles, "I'm glad my colour-coded, post it note, scribbling ways have inspired you."

"Honestly, Paigey I wouldn't have been able to stay on top of my schoolwork while I was away without a system in place."

Paige nods. "How'd you make out while you were away?"

"Worked out really well; the team, players and staff were all super supportive of my academics and did everything they could to help accommodate me and my needs. The hotel had a meeting room area and they allowed me to use it as an office when it wasn't booked. Between you and me, I'm fairly certain a couple of members of the staff were crushing on me and had I not been a guest might have considered asking me out. They loved me in the bar and invited me back anytime, even asked if I was interested in working there, to which I obviously turned them down. Overall, it was a great experience san the minor incident I had."

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