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After Nikki says bye to Kristie, she plugs in her phone and heads for the shower before getting ready for her return to work.

Clothes on and towel in hand, drying her hair, Nikki makes her way out to the kitchen and puts together a quick sandwich for herself to eat after having worked up an appetite with her bedroom activities. Smiling, she tosses the towel down and sits down on the couch to eat, putting on the television to watch a bit of The Young and Restless before it's necessary for her to finish getting ready and catch the train.

Giving herself a look over as she finishes applying her makeup and tying up her extremely wavy hair, she nods and collects her phone from the charger as she finds her way to the bed to put her shoes on.

Noticing that she has several new notifications, she opens the phone to read them and respond when and where necessary.

New Message

Aspen: Thanks again for the change. Good to see that you and Kristie are still going strong. Do you think it'd be okay for me to ask her to sign the program from the game that Paige and I went too? LMK

Nikki looks at the message and reads it aloud, before questioning it, "Why the fuck would she want Kris to sign a program from a soccer game?"

New Message

Nikki: Just heading out for work, but, got a weird message from Aspen and I'm wondering if you can clear it up for me. Nikki proceeds to copy and paste the sentences, "Good to see that you and Kristie are still going strong. Do you think it'd be okay for me to ask her to sign the program from the game that Paige and I went too? LMK." What does she mean by this? Is there a picture of you in it or something? Is it hot? Well, that's a given, because, you're already hot a fuck! Should I be asking Paigey for a couple copies to drool over or wet my lips too when you're not around?

Nikki chuckles at her witty response and question before finishing up getting ready and heading out and off to work.

In the meantime, Kristie is on the phone with her sister, Sam as she gathers a few groceries before heading back to her place to put together a meal. "Hold on, one sec, Sammy; Nik, just sent me a message."

"Oh Shit!! Sam, I gotta go!"

"What's going on, Kris?"

"Nikki just sent me a message."

"And? Gonna need some context here."

"When I was with her earlier, she introduced me to her friend Aspen."

"Okay and that would only be an issue if ... oh shit! She knows who you are."

"I'm not 100%, but based on this message it seems as though Aspen and Paige went to a game together and Aspen has a program from it that she's asking Nik if I can sign for her. Nikki thinks it's because I have a picture of some sort in it and is jokingly asking if it's hot and if she needs to get a copy of it. What should I say or do, Samson?"

"You always knew it was just a matter of time before someone recognized you and the truth came out."

"I've been really careful about not posting anything that could lead back to Nikki though and I was hoping that it'd be enough."

"The number of selfies you've been posting recently has been extra, even for you. But I get why you've been focused on just showing off pics of yourself. The question still remains though, when and how are you going to tell Nikki the truth?"

"She's been through so much recently with the entire liver and asshole sperm donor situation."

"Didn't you say, that she seems to be handling things better than either you or Paige expected? Maybe, she's ready to be hit with the truth about you."

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