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Nikki arrives back at her apartment and can't shake the feeling of heaviness inside her as she opens the door and lets herself in, before turning to ensure the lock is re-engaged. 

"Morning, sunshine." 

She jumps as the sound of her sister's voice startles her, "What are you doing up so early?" 

"Old habits. I'm going for a run, you wanna join?" 

Nikki shakes her head, "Not feeling it today, Paigey." 

Paige can't help but watch her younger sister's movements. "Everything okay? You look like you're either sad or lost in thought, I'm not sure." 

Nikki sits down on the couch and looks over at Paige, "Promise me, that you won't say, I told you so or tell Brynn what I'm about to say, okay?" 

Paige's eyes light up and with her interest piqued she takes a place beside Nikki on the couch. "Okay, you've got me; what's going on?" 

"It happened." 

"What happened? Are you okay? Please tell me you didn't loose your job as well."

"I'm fine and still have a job unlike you. I met her." 

"Who her? For God's sake, Nik, tell me what's going on?" 

"I met someone last night  ... and, it felt different." 

"Different? I'm going to need you to expand on what you mean by different and if it's sex stuff please don't, because I don't need that image in my head."  

Nikki smiles, "Trust me the sex was beyond amazing, all four times. Brynn and I had a conversation before where she mentioned about finding someone you connect with on another level and don't want to leave in the morning and well, it happened." 

"Oh my God! Tell me, spare no details!"

"Calm your tits down and I'll tell you about her. So, I met someone at work last night, her name is Kristie and she's gorgeous and funny, has an amazing body and we connected like big time; but, I got scared and slipped out of her place this morning before she woke up." 

"And now you're regretting it?" 

Nikki nods, "I'm assuming it's too late now to turn around and head back to her place before she wakes up; so, what should I do?" 

"Considering the current messy status of my life, I may not be the best one to answer that question. But, you both went into it with the understanding it was only going to be a one night thing, right?" 

"I think so, but, there was a point when we both met each other's gaze and I felt like she was staring into my soul and not gonna lie, I liked it ... alot. It made me feel alive." 

Paige bursts out laughing before apologizing, "I'm sorry, I really am, but, hearing that from you of all people just hits differently. We know everything about each other Nik, we've spared nothing through the years and I've never heard you talk about someone like you just did; not even Rylee and I thought for sure the two of you were going to make me an Aunt." 

Looking at her sister, Nikki can only shake her head, "You do remember that I don't do dicks, right? That's your thing, not mine, so how the fuck am I supposed to make you an Aunt?" 

"I simply meant that I was envious of the relationship that I thought the two of you had and that eventually it would lead to a wedding and family." 

"I can barely look after myself most days, let alone a kid. Not sure that's ever been or will be in the cards. Also, Rylee didn't want human kids, only, the four legged kind which her new girl seems to have gone along with." 

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