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The whistle sounds to end the final session of Gotham's camp at the IMG Academy. The players jog over and form a circle around the staff as they're given final instructions. Nikki takes a breath and then follows suit, spraying some water in her mouth as she listens in, all the while feeling heavy as she's unsure of where she stands with the team and in particular, Juan Carlos Amorós.

Assuming the worst, even though she's worked her ass of the entire camp to prove worthy of a look, Nikki joins the group for cool downs and then without saying a word or acknowledging anyone swaps out her footwear, gets packed up and ready for the trek back to her and Jenna's room.

Kristie watches on and wants nothing more than to wrap her arms around her girl and support her, however, Nikki's been pretty rigid in following the hands and eyes off in public rule.

Lynn and Kelley stand beside Kristie. "She looks on the verge of tears. What can we do to help?"

"I don't know. I'm going to give her some space and then check on her in a bit." Kristie fights back her own tears, "She gave everything, this just seems so wrong."

"Agreed. Maybe, she'll catch on with another team; I mean, Orlando seemed pretty impressed with her and they could definitely use a player of her calibre."

Kristie shakes her head, "She told me that if she didn't make Gotham, she was planning on re-retiring for good this time."

"She can't do that!"

"Kel, Nikki is pretty god damn stubborn and if she's already made her mind up about something, there won't be any changing it."

Kelley chuckles, "I'm pretty certain, you of all people could get her to change her mind."

Kristie shakes her head, "Not on this, I can't. She told me last night, that, she'd already scheduled interviews with a couple of firms and once we touch back down in New York that if she hasn't heard anything, it's over. She's loving school and can't wait to get to work; this could be the umm ... cat ... catalytic converter? Cat, something that makes her give up on soccer and dive into architecture even more."

Kelley chuckles, "I think the word you're looking for is catalyst and looking around I really don't think we're the only ones waiting to see what happens with her. Scotty's made a lot of friends since the beginning of camp and I think we all want this for her."

Nikki grabs a bike from the rack and without saying a word to anyone peddles back to the hotel alone. Parking the bike, she heads up to her room and can't get out of the branded clothing soon enough as she tosses it and heads for the shower to wash away the blood, sweat and tears now freely flowing down her face. Overcome with emotions and finding herself struggling to breathe, she drops down in the tub and it all becomes very quiet.



"Babe? Are you okay?"

Kristie knocks on the bathroom door and getting no answer checks and finds the door unlocked, opening it, she doesn't immediately see Nikki, until she moves closer. Not caring that she's still fully clothed and the water's still running, Kristie jumps in the tub and takes Nikki in her arms, lifting her up and out, setting her down on the floor and grabbing every towel she can find to wrap her and warm her up.

"Nikki, please, you're scaring me. I need you to talk, let me know you're okay."



"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"Not being good enough. You deserve to be with someone who's your equal on the pitch and that's not me."

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