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Feeling the covers lift, a body climb on the bed and then arms wrap around her, Kristie smiles as she leans back into Nikki.

"Morning, Baby."

"Morning. How did you get in here?"

"Lynn slipped me her card in the hall; mentioned that you weren't feeling the greatest, so, I figured I'd come and check on you. You doing, okay?"

" Yeah, just feeling a bit off this morning; I'll be fine with a bit of sleep."

"I'm going to head down for breakfast, do you want me to bring you back anything?"

"You, coffee and maybe something to nibble on."

"You can always nibble on me."

Kristie chuckles, "As good as that sounds, it doesn't involve caffeine, which I really could use right now."

Nikki leans over the mound of hair and kisses Kristie's cheek, before climbing off the bed and heading towards the door. "You rest and I'll be back soon."

"Uh huh."

Nikki knows without even looking back that her girl is already out cold. Slowly opening the door, she scans the hallway to make sure she's safe to leave the room and seeing it empty with the exception of one of her teammates standing and waiting for the elevator, she decides to risk it.

"Morning, Tay."

"S'up, Nik?"

"Not much; you? Got any plans for today?"

"I think a group of us are going to head out, do some shopping and touring later, you in?"

"N'ah, think I'm staying close today. Still got a bit of work left to finish and feeling a bit gassed. Prob, just gonna chill by the pool later."


They step inside the elevator and ride down together before loading up a plate each for breakfast, grabbing a drink and finding a table to sit down at.

As Nikki checks her email, she feels someone sit down beside her.

"Where's your other half?"

"In bed."

"And you're down here?"


"You in the doghouse for making her look bad at training yesterday?"

Nikki chuckles and shakes her head at Kelley's question, "Trust me when I say that I already apologized for that, last night. I think she's just needing a chill day."

Kelley chuckles, "You hitting the pool or beach, later?"

"Can I get back to you on that? Depends on how Kris is feeling and whether or not I'm able to get my work done."

"Cool. You know, you and Mewie really need to work on toning down the love eyes during training."

"Really? Are we that noticeable?"

"Let's just say that I've heard a few mentions about the two of you and whether or not you've been hooking up."

"Should I be worried about that?"

Kelley shrugs, "Most turn a blind eye to it, unless, it interferes with the chemistry of the team. In your case, however, it's becoming more and more apparent that the two of you share a connection that supersedes just knowing where each other is or is going to be on the pitch."

"Are you saying we should let the others in on our relationship?"

"We've got two weeks left in Florida and it's bound to come out at some point. I know you're hesitant to become public because you think your relationship will influence decisions and outcomes, my advice is to get ahead of it."

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