Penny and Mabel

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As Mabel and the Umbreons enjoyed their playful time together, Penny stood at the edge of the clearing, blushing with excitement. "Hey there! You must be Penny," Mabel called out with a friendly wave. "Come join the fun!"

Penny hesitated for a moment, her cheeks flushed, but the excitement in her eyes was unmistakable. She stepped forward, her love for Eevees and Umbreons clear in every tentative step.

The Umbreons, sensing a kindred spirit, eagerly bounded over to Penny, nuzzling against her affectionately. Penny giggled, her initial shyness melting away as she gently petted their sleek fur.

"Wow, they're even more amazing up close," Penny murmured, her voice filled with awe. "I've always loved Umbreons and Eevees."

Mabel grinned, happy to see Penny's excitement. "They're pretty awesome, aren't they? These little guys are all about fun and affection."

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Mabel decided to include Penny in their playful antics. "Alright, Umbreons, show Penny some of that special Umbreon love!" she called out, her voice full of playful energy.

The Umbreons, ever the eager companions, started to nuzzle and lick Penny affectionately, their playful gestures making her giggle with delight. They rubbed their heads and bodies against her, showering her with their warm, furry affection.

Penny laughed, her initial embarrassment completely forgotten as she joined in the playful romp. "This is amazing, Mabel! Thank you!"

Mabel winked at her. "Anytime, Penny. There's always room for more friends in our crazy adventures."

As Mabel and the Umbreons continued their playful antics, Mabel's curiosity got the better of her. She turned to Penny with a mischievous grin. "Penny, I've got to know—what kind of panties do you wear? I bet they're as cute as you are!"

Penny's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink, but she couldn't help but laugh at Mabel's curiosity. "Oh, Mabel, you're so funny! Well, since you asked so nicely..."

With a playful wink, Penny lifted the edge of her skirt to reveal her panties. They were light pink with a delicate lace trim and had a pattern of tiny Eevee and Umbreon silhouettes scattered across the fabric.

"These are my favorite pair," Penny explained, her voice tinged with a mix of shyness and pride. "I got them from a special Pokémon-themed boutique in Paldea. I just couldn't resist when I saw the Eevee and Umbreon design."

Mabel's eyes sparkled with admiration. "Those are adorable, Penny! They totally suit you. I love how you incorporated your love for Pokémon into your style."

Penny giggled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Mabel. "Thanks, Mabel. I think it's fun to express my interests in little ways like this."

As the two girls shared this light-hearted moment, the Umbreons continued to nuzzle against them, their playful energy bringing even more joy to the clearing.

"Well, Penny, I think you've just inspired me to find some cute Pokémon-themed stuff for myself," Mabel said with a wink. "We should go shopping together sometime!"

Penny's eyes lit up. "I'd love that, Mabel! It would be so much fun to find more cute things together."

After their playful romp with the Umbreons, Mabel and Penny decided to take a trip to the local boutique in Gravity Falls. Excited about the idea of shopping for cute and unique items, they chatted animatedly as they walked through the forest.

As they entered the boutique, Mabel's eyes widened at the array of Pokémon-themed merchandise. "Look at all this, Penny! This place is amazing!"

Penny nodded, equally enthralled. "I know, right? Let's see what we can find!"

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