Misty x a Metapod

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Misty kept nuzzling by her Metapod, trying to get it to use the Pokemon move harden more. "Come on, Metapod! You can do it! Use harden!" she encouraged, but the Metapod didn't seem to respond.

Marlene and the others watched from the sidelines, giggling at Misty's efforts. "Looks like your Metapod isn't as skilled as you thought," Marlene teased playfully.

Misty pouted and crossed her arms. "Hey now, don't be so quick to judge! We just need to find the right way to motivate it," she said, determined to make it work.

Eri chimed in, "Yeah, maybe try giving it some positive reinforcement! Like a treat or something."

Ochaco nodded in agreement, "Or you could try doing that cute nuzzling thing you did before! Maybe that'll help it relax and activate the move."

Misty's face lit up with excitement at the suggestion. "That's a great idea! Let's give it a try!" she exclaimed, immediately moving closer to the Metapod and starting to nuzzle it again.

The Metapod began to stir and its body started to glow. Misty's eyes widened with excitement as she exclaimed, "It's working! It's using harden!"

The group cheered as the Metapod successfully activated the move, and Misty beamed with pride. "See, I knew we could do it if we just kept trying!" she said happily.

Marlene walked over to her and gave her a pat on the back. "Good job, Misty. You really know how to motivate your Pokemon," she said with a smile.

Misty blushed and grinned, feeling proud of herself and her Pokemon. "Thanks, Marlene. I just love my Metapod so much, I want it to be the best it can be," she said, hugging her Pokemon close.

The group continued to practice and play with their Metapods, enjoying their time together and strengthening their bonds.

s Misty and her friends were trying to get the Metapod to use the Harden move more, they remembered they had a Pokemon translator item. Excitedly, they used it on the Metapod from Pleasuredea.

"Metapod, what are you thinking?" Misty asked eagerly.

The translator beeped for a few seconds before the Metapod's voice came out of it. "I must confess, I have been admiring the way you all have been nuzzling me. It's why I haven't evolved into Butterfree yet. I want to remain a Metapod and continue to be close to you all."

Misty blushed at the Metapod's words. "That's so sweet! We'll always be here for you, Metapod."

Suddenly, the translator wore off, but Misty had an idea. She asked the Metapod if he wanted to go on a date with her and nuzzle together, activating his Harden move. The Metapod blushed in response and nodded eagerly.

Misty and the Metapod went on a cute date, nuzzling and cuddling together, activating his Harden move in the cutest way possible. They had a lot of fun, and Misty even taught the Metapod some new moves.

As they parted ways, Misty promised the Metapod that they would always be friends, and that she would visit him again soon. The Metapod blushed and smiled, happy to have such a wonderful trainer and friend like Misty.

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