Marceline x Princess Bubblegum and also Tails is there

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As Bonnie and Tails were playfully teasing each other with his two fox tails and squeeze toy, Marceline and Princess Bubblegum walked into the lobby of the theater. The two Adventure Time characters couldn't help but notice the adorable scene between Bonnie and Tails, as Bonnie continued to squeeze the squeeze toy and Tails' fox tails.

Marceline nudged Bubblegum and whispered, "Look, it's like they have their own secret language!"

Bubblegum giggled and whispered back, "It's so cute! I want to try!"

Marceline and Bubblegum walked over to Bonnie and Tails, intrigued by the cute moment they were sharing. Bonnie blushed as the two girls approached, but Marceline reassured her with a playful grin.

"Hey, what's going on over here?" Marceline asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Bonnie nervously explained, "Oh, just playing with Tails' fox tails."

Marceline's grin widened as she reached over to give one of the fox tails a playful squeeze. "Ooh, I see what you mean. These are so soft and fluffy!"

Bubblegum chimed in, "And they're so cute! Can I try too?"

Tails blushed as Bonnie and the Adventure Time girls continued to playfully tease and squeeze his fox tails. "Uh, sure," he said, his voice slightly shaky.

As the four of them bonded over the cuteness of Tails' fox tails, Bonnie couldn't help but feel grateful for the new friends she had made. She smiled and giggled along with them, feeling the anxiety of the movie theater melt away in their company.

The group eventually made their way back into the theater, with Bonnie, Tails, Marceline, and Bubblegum all sitting together in the same row. They continued to playfully tease each other and share cute moments throughout the rest of the movie, enjoying each other's company and the cute bonding experience they had shared.

Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, and Bonnie continue to play with Tails' two fox boy tails, each taking turns teasing and tickling them in cute girly ways. Tails giggles and squirms, clearly enjoying the attention from the three girls.

"Your tails are so fluffy and cute, Tails!" Princess Bubblegum exclaims, running her fingers through his fur.

"Thanks, I grew them myself," Tails jokes, grinning as he wiggles his hips playfully.

Marceline takes her turn, nuzzling her face against Tails' tails and inhaling deeply. "Mmm, you smell good, Tails. Like fresh grass and sunshine."

He squeezes his front part in one hand while the girls continue to play with his tails, tickling and teasing him in cute, girly ways.

As they play, the girls continue to bond over their shared love of cute and playful things. They talk about their favorite toys and games, and share stories about their own mischievous adventures.

As Marceline leaned in to smell Tails' fox tails, all three girls giggled and followed suit, inhaling deeply. "Oh my glob, Marceline is right, they smell amazing!" Princess Bubblegum exclaimed, nuzzling her face into Tails' tails. "It's like a warm, fluffy hug," Marceline added, nuzzling in as well.

Tails blushed furiously at the attention, but couldn't help but feel flattered at the girls' affection for his unique feature. "Uh, thanks guys," he said, nervously scratching the back of his head.

Bonnie couldn't resist teasing him a little more, playfully tugging on his tails. "Looks like we're not the only ones who think your tails are cute, Tails," she said with a grin.

Marceline and Bubblegum both chimed in with giggles and playful teasing of their own, making Tails feel both embarrassed and delighted by all the attention. They continued to chat and joke around, enjoying each other's company and the newfound romantic connection between them.

As they walked arm in arm, Marceline leaned in and whispered to Bubblegum, "I think we've found the perfect addition to our little trio, don't you think?"

Bubblegum grinned and nodded, wrapping her arm around Marceline's waist. "I couldn't agree more," she said, before turning to Tails and planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "What do you say, Tails? Want to join us on our adventures?"

Tails' heart raced with excitement as he looked into the girls' eyes, feeling a warmth in his chest that he had never experienced before. "Yes," he said with a smile. "I'd love that." And with that, they all walked off into the sunset, ready for whatever adventures lay ahead.

After the playful teasing, the group continues to enjoy their date together. They grab some ice cream at a nearby shop and continue to talk and joke around with each other.

Princess Bubblegum turns to Tails and asks, "So, Tails, what do you like to do for fun besides flying and saving the world?"

Tails thinks for a moment before responding, "Well, I like to tinker with gadgets and machines. I'm always trying to come up with new inventions to help us in our adventures."

Marceline's eyes light up at this. "Oh, that's so cool! I love music and play the bass guitar. Maybe we could collaborate on a project together sometime?"

Tails smiles, excited at the prospect. "That would be amazing! I've always wanted to try integrating music and technology in some way."

Bonnie chimes in, "And I could help with the design aspects. I'm pretty good at art and drawing."

The group continues to brainstorm and plan out their project, laughing and having fun together. As the sun begins to set, they all walk together through the park, enjoying each other's company.

As they near the end of the date, Princess Bubblegum turns to Marceline and Bonnie and says, "You know, I'm really glad we all met. I feel like we have a real connection and I hope we can continue to grow together."

Marceline and Bonnie nod in agreement, smiling warmly at each other and at Tails.

Tails blushes and says, "I feel the same way. You guys are amazing and I'm so happy to have you in my life."

The group shares a group hug, their hearts full of joy and love for each other. They all agree to plan another date soon, excited to continue their adventures together.

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