Buttercup x Bubbles as adults

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Buttercup and Bubbles had been best friends since they were little. They did everything together, from fighting crime to playing video games. But lately, Buttercup had been feeling something different whenever she was around Bubbles.

One day, while they were hanging out at the park, Buttercup worked up the courage to tell Bubbles how she felt. "Bubbles, there's something I need to tell you. I know we've always been best friends, but lately, I've been feeling something more. I think I'm in love with you."

Bubbles was taken aback by Buttercup's confession. She had never thought of her best friend in a romantic way before. But as she looked into Buttercup's eyes, she realized that she had feelings for her too. "Buttercup, I had no idea. I feel the same way about you. I think I'm in love with you too."

The two girls smiled at each other, feeling relieved to have finally shared their feelings. They decided to take things slow and see where their newfound romance would take them.

Over the next few weeks, Buttercup and Bubbles went on cute dates together. They held hands at the movies, went on picnics in the park, and cuddled on the couch while watching their favorite shows.

One day, while they were sitting on a bench watching the sunset, Buttercup turned to Bubbles and said, "I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that I want to spend it with you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Bubbles smiled and nodded, tears of happiness streaming down her face. "Yes, Buttercup. I want to be with you too."

From that day on, Buttercup and Bubbles were inseparable. They fought crime together, but now they also cuddled and kissed each other when they weren't saving the world. They knew that they had found true love in each other, and nothing could ever change that.

After their first kiss, Buttercup and Bubbles started going on dates together. They would go to the park, the arcade, and even the movies. Blossom, who was thrilled to see her sisters happy, decided to help them out by planning some romantic dates.

On their first date, Blossom suggested that they go on a picnic in the park. Buttercup and Bubbles happily agreed, and Blossom packed them a basket full of their favorite snacks. As they sat on the grass and enjoyed the sunshine, Blossom discreetly watched from afar.

"So, Buttercup, what's your favorite thing to do?" Bubbles asked, taking a bite of a sandwich.

"Hmm, I don't know. I guess I like playing video games and watching action movies. What about you?"

"I like painting and watching romantic comedies. I know they're cheesy, but I can't help it."

Buttercup grinned. "I actually kind of like romantic comedies too."

They spent the rest of the afternoon talking and laughing, and Blossom couldn't help but smile as she watched them from a distance.

On their second date, Blossom suggested that they go to the arcade. Buttercup was excited to show off her skills at the shooting games, while Bubbles was more interested in the dance games. They took turns playing each other's favorite games and cheering each other on.

As they left the arcade, Blossom pulled Buttercup aside. "So, how's it going with Bubbles?"

"It's going great! She's amazing. I can't believe I didn't realize it before."

Blossom grinned. "I'm happy for you. You make a really cute couple."

Buttercup blushed. "Thanks, Blossom. I couldn't have done it without your help."

On their third date, Blossom suggested that they go to the movies. She even bought them tickets to the latest romantic comedy that Bubbles had been wanting to see. As they sat in the dark theater, Buttercup put her arm around Bubbles, and Bubbles snuggled into her side.

Blossom smiled as she watched them. She had never seen her sisters so happy, and it warmed her heart to see them together.

After the movie, they walked back to the Powerpuff Girls' house. Buttercup and Bubbles were holding hands, and Blossom couldn't resist teasing them.

"Hey, lovebirds! How was the movie?"

"It was great!" Bubbles exclaimed. "Thanks for getting us the tickets, Blossom."

Buttercup grinned. "Yeah, it was really sweet. Just like you, Bubbles."

Bubbles blushed. "Aww, you're so cheesy."

As they reached the front door, Buttercup turned to Bubbles. "Hey, do you want to come inside for a bit? We can play some video games or something."

Bubbles smiled. "I'd like that."

Blossom watched as they disappeared inside, happy to have played cupid for her sisters.

Bubbles nervously walked up to Buttercup's front door, her heart beating faster with every step. She was nervous, yet excited, about what was to come. She had been thinking about Buttercup non-stop since their last date, and she couldn't wait to see her again.

As she rang the doorbell, her heart skipped a beat. Buttercup opened the door, looking as gorgeous as ever. Bubbles couldn't help but blush as she gazed into her eyes.

"Hey, Bubbles," Buttercup said, grinning. "Glad you could make it."

Bubbles smiled back, trying to hide her nervousness. "Yeah, I'm happy to be here."

As they sat down on the couch, Blossom's voice suddenly came through Bubbles' earpiece. "Okay, Bubbles, you're doing great so far," Blossom said. "Now, I want you to slowly lean in and kiss her on the lips. Remember, it's all about confidence."

Bubbles took a deep breath and leaned in, closing her eyes as she pressed her lips against Buttercup's. The kiss was soft and sweet, and Bubbles could feel Buttercup's hands on her waist, pulling her closer.

As they pulled away, Buttercup looked into Bubbles' eyes and smiled. "That was nice," she said.

Bubbles blushed, feeling like she was floating on air. "I'm glad you liked it," she said.

As they spent the rest of the evening together, Blossom continued to give Bubbles advice on how to be more confident and romantic with Buttercup. And by the end of the night, Bubbles felt like she had truly made a connection with the girl of her dreams.

Bubbles and Buttercup looked at each other, both blushing and shyly smiling. "I wanna be your pet, Buttercup," Bubbles said cutely, her voice barely above a whisper.

Buttercup's eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat. "I wanna be your pet too, Bubbles," she said, her voice just as quiet as Bubbles'.

With each other's permission, they both got up and went to Buttercup's closet to look for some cute collars and leashes. After a few minutes of searching, they found matching pink ones with little hearts on them.

They giggled as they put them on each other, the leashes trailing behind them as they pranced around the room like playful kittens. Blossom watched from a speaker in Bubbles' ear, smiling at how adorable they looked.

"Okay, now what do we do?" Buttercup asked, looking to Bubbles for guidance.

Bubbles thought for a moment before suggesting they play some nekomimi games. They spent the next few hours playing together, their tails swishing and ears twitching as they laughed and giggled.

Blossom couldn't help but gush over how cute they were together. "Aww, you guys are so adorable! I'm so happy for you!" she exclaimed.

Bubbles and Buttercup blushed at the compliment, but couldn't help feeling proud of themselves for finding someone who understood and accepted their unique interests.

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