chapter 16, muffins

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Ru had gotten dressed, her legs slightly sore but she kind of enjoyed the feeling. She walked to the kitchen where Rosie was cooking some kind of muffins. She had no idea if it was the hormone imbalance, or just that she wanted to, but she went to Rosie and hugged onto her, snuggling close. "Whatcha making baby?" Ru peeked over her shoulder, smiling.

Rosie smiled back at her. "A breakfast food that I learned in Kalos. It's a French toast muffin top. It's simple and tastes like the cereal." Rosie turned to face Ru and kissed her forehead. Ru huffed and poked her. Rosie, getting the hint chuckled and kissed Ru on the lips, Ru smiling because she got what she wanted. "Happy love?" 

Ru nodded, and kept close to Rosie, smiling brightly as she had a kind of tired look on her face, Rosie put the muffins in the oven and then picked Ru up, holding her close as Ru wrapped her limbs around Rosie like a Komola hugging its log. 

Ru started to drift off a bit, sighing softly as she inhaled Rosie's perfume. Smiling to herself as her eyes closed and she ended up falling asleep. Rosie laid her on the couch, making sure there was a pillow under her head and a blanket over her and then went to go check on the muffins, looking over as both Angel and Eevee were sitting there watching Rosie. "What do you two goofs want?" 

Angel and Eevee rubbed against Rosie and yipping up at her, their tails wagging, and Rosie chuckled. "Oh, I see. You both are hungry. Okay you little gremlins, time for food." Rosie walked over to where she had packed the Pokémon food and then sent out her own eeveelutions and they stretched and waited patiently for food, their collars each being the color of their corresponding type, and then a silver charm that was like a rose that on the back had 'I'm not lost, fuck off.'

Rosie filled all their bowls and they started to eat, and Rosie smiled, and then walked to the couch to check on Ru, smiling as she leaned over the couch and watched Ru. She had a sparkle in her eyes as she watched her sleep. "You're so beautiful, how the hell did I ever get so lucky to cross paths with you?" Rosie touched Ru's cheek, Ru smiling when Rosie touched her cheek.

Rosie leaned over and kissed her cheek, taking Ru's hand and stroking her hand with her thumb. "You're so sweet, kind, smart... How the hell did lady luck let me meet you? She could've had you meet anyone... And yet I'm the one that you met. I don't deserve you even in the slightest, but I'm not the one to refuse persistent gifts." Rosie chuckled to herself at her joke as she just kept talking to Ru's sleeping form. She gently played with Ru's hair, and looked up when Leonie and her husband, Ru's dad, Kioshi, came in. 

Rosie stood up straight and helped them out with putting away groceries, Kioshi, seeing Rosie's strange Eeveelutions. "Ah, Rosie, was it? What are these strange Eeveelutions?"

Rosie smiled and turned to him. "Oh yeah these are the pokemon I found. These are the missing 9 eeveelutions, normal, poison, fighting, ghost, bug, dragon, flying, ground, and rock." 

Kioshi looked closer and nodded, quite intrigued by them. Kioshi poked at the poison type, and it seemed to get annoyed by this and Rosie yanked Kioshi back, tossing Leonie two gas masks, and put one on Kioshi, and on herself. Leonie managed to get one on Ru and herself before the poison type used toxic gas, it flooded the room, luckily the muffins were still in the oven though. 

Soon the gas faded, and Rosie took off her gas mask and sighed and Leonie took off her mask and went to Kioshi, who was very embarrassed about his mistake. Leonie smacked him on the back of his head. "Idiot, you know you can't just poke at Pokémon like that?" Leonie then kissed his cheek. "But good job for learning your lesson dear." 

Kioshi sighed and Rosie shook her head with a sigh and then went to check on Ru, Rosie removed the gas mask and gave Ru a kiss on the cheek, causing her to stir a little and she sat up and stretched, her hair messy from sleeping on the couch. Rosie smiled as she played with it, and kissed Ru's nose. 

Ru giggled and blushed as Rosie spoke softly to her. "Good mornin' my pillow princess." Ru smiled at the nickname, just thinking it's all innocent, and not anything dirty. Though it is a term for lesbian bottoms. "How was your nap?" 

Ru stretched again and hugged onto Rosie, nuzzling her face into the crook of Rosie's neck and let out a happy sigh. "It was nice, I was really tired after that..." 

Leonie looked over, and knew what they were talking about, and came over. "Oh? What did you two do?" 

Ru squealed and stood up panicked as she hadn't realized her mom and dad were there, and she had red cheeks from getting caught. "Mom! I didn't realize you were back, um, is there anything I can help with unpacking haha?" Ru tried to switch up the topic, not exactly wanting to talk about what she and Rosie had done just moments before. 

Leonie chuckled, and let it slide, seeing this as an opportunity to get some much-needed chores to be done. "Actually no, Rosie unpacked most of it, but if you insist, could you do some laundry, some of the dishes, do a little bit of tidying." 

Ru sighed, knowing she got herself into this mess, but doing this was much better than talking about her private life with her own mother. 

Rosie chuckled and kissed Ru's cheek which cheered her up slightly about having to do chores, and when the muffins were ready, she happily ate a muffin Rosie gave her. This was already the best day ever.

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