prologue, remembrance.

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Rosie got home from work early, hoping to surprise her wife. it was their anniversary, June 15th. In Rosie's pocket was a jeweled amulet with a picture of her wife and Rosie on their wedding, including their eevees which were the flower girl and the ring bearer. She silently entered the fur covered house, quietly closing the door behind her. she could hear her wife sleeping in the bedroom and Rosie smiled. Rosie went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for her lovely wife. making some toast, getting out some expensive chocolate, and some tea packs. Rosie put a kettle on the stove to boil some water, toast popped out of the toaster, and Rosie finished cutting up the chocolate into flakes. Rosie placed the toast on a plate and sprinkled the chocolate on there, and the water was prepared. Rosie made the tea and started to go to the bedroom, she opened the door to find her lovely wife, Rootsie, asleep in bed in some shiny eevee pajamas. Rosie placed the food on the desk and approached Rootsie and slowly got in bed and placed the amulet around her neck and Rosie then moved Ru's hair out of the way and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek to wake her up.
"Ru, wakey wakey." Rosie smiled as she watched her wife drowsily roll over and stretch. Ru soon noticed the amulet and was surprised. Rosie always loved giving gifts this way, to surprise Ru while she was taking one of her many naps. It got to the point that Rosie had to get Ru a large jewelry box for all the rings, necklaces, and bracelets she got her. Ru opened the pendant and smiled at the picture, then at Rosie, who was getting the tea and toast for Ru from the desk.
"It's so beautiful, but what is the occasion this time for this gift?" Ru inquired, smiling at Rosie as she sat beside her. Rosie smiled and gave Ru the toast with chocolate sprinkles which Ru's eyes lit up at.
"Well, it's June 15th. So, it'd only be natural I got you something for our anniversary." Rosie kissed Ru's cheek as Ru ate the toast with chocolate sprinkles. "And I'm taking the day off today, and I thought we'd go on a nice picnic in the forest in our back yard. I made sure that our little spot in the forest was nicely taken care of~" Rosie smiled some more as Ru felt absolutely special in that moment. Rosie had always had this effect on her ever sense they started to date. Ru swallowed her food and smiled at Rosie.
"That sounds absolutely amazing. When did you even find the time to do all this though? I feel bad that I can't do anything special for you." Ru frowned slightly, she was always so self-conscious about this, Rosie always got her so much, but Ru almost never got her things. Ru was about to speak again, probably about more anxious stuff but Rosie shushed her with a kiss like she always did.
"Now now. You should know that you are more than enough to make me happy. I've told you this millions of times. I don't need gifts to be happy. Your love is more than plenty." Rosie smiled and gave Ru another kiss, causing Ru to smile. Ru then sipped her tea, feeling all smiley now. Rosie had such a way with words for her, it gave her a rush, always making her cheeks red and her heartbeat so quickly. Even after being married for some years, and Ru knew this rush was never going to go away. Rosie gave Ru another smooch and went to the closet to get dressed in more picnicy clothes, Ru joined her, and Rosie was immediately met with an eevee to the face making Ru snort and laugh a lot. Rosie peeled the eevee off her face and sighed "well there goes hoping for no eevee fur in my mouth." Ru kept laughing as Rosie took the eevee fur out of her mouth, Rosie then smirked and wiped her fingers off on Ru's sleeve making her yelp and pout, meaning it was Rosie's turn to laugh.
"rossieeeeee!" Ru whined which just made Rosie laugh even more. Ru lightly shoved Rosie and she just laughed even more. "You meanie!" Rosie grinned at Ru, still laughing a little. Ru kept pouting at Rosie too.
"Oh, come on, I can't help it. You're just so cute when you pout, I can't resist." Rosie soon got dressed in some outdoorsy clothes and Ru did the same, Ru finished her tea and watched as Rosie got everything set up for the picnic. As Rosie did this Ru smiled as she thought back on her and Rosie's first date. Ru could honestly say that their relationship was perfect... if she ignored the fact that Rosie had drunk underage... and the jokes about driving off a cliff... she shook those thoughts off and cleaned the plate and cup that she had used for her breakfast. Rosie smiled at Ru and kissed her cheek again and they soon left the house though the back door, heading to the forest on their property. Ru smiled as they held hands, feeling Rosie rub her hand with her thumb, she was very happy to have Rosie by her side. Even if she hadn't met Rosie's family, sense Rosie was very nervous about Ru meeting her brother and grandmother, as Rosie knew they tended to be a bit... intense. 
"Hey Rosie, do you remember when we first met?" Rosie looked to Ru and nodded, soon they got to the spot and Rosie started to set up, Ru tried to help but of course Rosie wouldn't let her. 
"Yeah, I remember when we met, blueberry academy, it was your first day there and our eevees made us meet, holy arceus I was a complete bitch back then." Rosie sighed, cringing at her past self, sheesh. Rosie was very glad that she changed, even if it was slightly. Ru sat down with Rosie on the blanket and smiled. 

Oh, but you reader, you don't know how they met do you? perhaps we should take a look hm?

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