chapter 11, first dates

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Rosie was at the beach in the tropical biome, making sure everything was perfect. She set up a cute little picnic blanket with lots of foods, mostly from Ru's home region, which included Spätzle, a dish of European egg noodles with a side of meat and Sause. Jägerschnitzel, a pork cutlet with sauce made of mushrooms, tomatoes, or cream. And finally, a Linzer torte, a form of shortbread topped with fruit preserves and sliced nuts with a design on top.

Rosie would've gotten more if she had more time, but this idea was so sudden she didn't think much about it, of course she had to google German foods and how to make them, having the assistance of the kitchen in the school in order to make them as she wasn't the best chef in the world, in fact quite the opposite. Even with assistance she still struggled, in fact she was kicked out of the kitchen as that would've been helpful. 

Eventually she had everything set up, and she was very proud, she now just had to go get Ru and surprise her. She was hoping Ru would love it, as it had foods from her home region in case, she was homesick, and to show that she was willing to learn for her. She went back to Ru's dorm and knocked in a rhythmic pattern on the door, smiling. "Oh Ruru, you in there?" 

Ru could hear her from inside and she giggled and went and opened the door "Of course I am, goofy." Ru giggled as Rosie softly rolled her eyes and chuckled. 

"Anyways, wanna go on a walk with me? It's a nice cool temperature, the sun is setting, the Pokémon are starting to doze off, it's the perfect opportunity to go on a walk" Rosie smiled as she suggested that, and Ru seemed to think, and she nodded. 

"That sounds fun! I'd love to go on a walk with you." Ru smiled and she wrapped her pinkie around Rosie's pinkie, walking beside Rosie with a smile as Rosie walked down the hall with her, she then spoke. "I was thinking about going to my home region to visit my family during spring break, and I kinda thought maybe you'd like to tag along, maybe? Please?" Ru fidgeted with her sleeve slightly, worried Rosie was going to say no to her invite, despite the fact Rosie could never say no to Ru's cute face, which Rosie has repeatedly said.

"Oh? Didn't realize we we're at the meeting the others family stage" Rosie teased and chuckled, giving Ru a kiss on the cheek. "I'd love to go with you to meet your family. Though hopefully they won't be upset at the fact that I'm a girl though, of course I could always chop all my hair off and wear a binder if you wanted." Rosie smiled and Ru giggled and shook her head.

"No, I don't think they'll mind as long as you make me happy. They care more if I'm going to be happy and safe. So, there's no need to cut your long hair" Ru smiled at Rosie, Ru slowly started to move her hand from holding Rosie's pinkie to holding her hand, a smile on her face as she did this, warming up slowly to being comfortable with holding her hand. 

Rosie then wiped fake sweat off her forehead. "Phew, how ever could I ever survive without my long hair when short hair is much more convenient and easier to handle and takes up less shampoo." Ru elbowed Rosie with a laugh and smiled at her

"You're an ass, you know that? You're very snarky." Ru giggled and smiled more. 

"Well people from Galar are typically seen as posh assholes, Suppose it's our accent and the fact we attempted to  tax Unova a whole lot in the past." Rosie smiled as she gave that little history fact.

"Nerd." Ru giggled, though she was actually very interested in that little tidbit of history, though she had learned that a long time ago, the Unova revolution against Galar.

"Not a nerd, I'm just very well informed." Rosie faked a sigh and shrugged, leading her out to the terrarium and towards the tropical biome. "It's very beautiful out here, ain't it?" She looked over at Ru, who looked up at the sun set, seeing the faint Minior shoot across the sky, how the stars shined, it was beautiful to her. 

"It really is. wow... Did you know it would look like this?" Ru looked over to Rosie, smiling.

"Mmm, perhaps." Rosie chuckled, leading her to the beach where the picnic was, making Ru gasp when she smelt the food, and she could recognize the meals.

"Rosie, you didn't, you can't cook!" Ru looked at Rosie, surprised. "And I never mentioned any foods from my home region!" Ru smiled, falling even deeper in love that Rosie would go through so much effort to make her feel like she was having food from her home region. 

"Yeah, well some might say I did a little stalking... nah I'm teasin'. I kinda just guessed what you'd like, though I should've asked you, but hey, I wanted to make it a surprise." Rosie shrugged and Ru giggled. 

"Well, you guessed sorta right. Though I do prefer more simple foods, and foods that don't really have a weird texture, sorry Rosie." Ru smiled softly and giggled as she saw Rosie's defeated look. 

"Man... And here I thought I guessed right." Rosie sighed, and sat on the blanket with Ru, Ru snuggled up to Rosie with a giggle. "At least it's the thought that counts?" Rosie smiled down at Ru, having a arm around her and gently holding her waist close, which caused Ru's cheeks to go red. 

"Well, of course. You tried and got pretty close, next time though think of foods that are more simple love, like chocolate sprinkles on toast!" Ru smiled at the thought of munching on some toast with chocolate sprinkles. 

"Hun, that's not just simple, that's basic as fuck." Rosie sighed and Ru giggled and then gave Rosie a kiss on the lips.

Offshore, two Lovdisk were swimming together, giving each other a little smooch and kept swimming... and stories do say that when lovers are passed by two Lovdisk they are destined to be together forever.

love between a professor and a idiot.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora