Chapter 4, excitement for one

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Ru walked through the zone, wrapping the coat around her tightly for warmth, as it was absolutely freezing in the snow, it had to be below 30 degrees. She soon got to her destination, the polar plaza to meet up with Drayton. He had wanted to speak to her about what ever, she didn't really mind him, he was fun to be around, though his lazy attitude could get annoying. She soon arrived, hands in the pockets as she pet Angel in the pocket, which she was surprised that Angel could fit, despite the fact that she had seen Rosie's Eevee in its pocket on the first day of classes. She climbed up the stairs and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Kieran for the first time after leaving Kitakami, he looked different. His eyes had more of a cruel glint, his hair was up, and had a meaner attitude. But it couldn't be too bad, it was still Kieran, he couldn't have changed too much! She smiled and walked over, waving. "Kieran! Did Drayton tell you to come over too?" Ru smiled, blush on her cheeks as she spoke to Kieran, after all she did have a crush on him.

"He did. What are you doing here? I hadn't been aware you transferred here." Ru was a bit surprised, as Kieran sounded colder. But she hadn't talked to him in weeks, so maybe he always sounded like this, but she couldn't just remember it. Yeah, that's what must've happened. He's fine and nothing happened to him. 

"I've been here for a few weeks, actually. I'm surprised we didn't run into each other in the halls hehe, so um, how have you been?" Ru smiled, trying to make small talk as she blushed. she nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her cheeks a rosy pink as she stared at Kieran's cold unforgiving eyes. He looked like he'd honestly much rather be elsewhere other than here in the polar plaza.

"Uh huh. I'm fine. If Drayton isn't here, then I'm going to take my leave. There's no point in staying anyways." Kieran rolled his eyes and sighed, muttering about how Drayton was never where he'd say he was. Though, Ru panicked slightly at the prospect of Kieran leaving so quickly so she thought of something fast to say, or even to ask him. Thats when she got the idea to ask him on a date, and so she did.

"Hey wait! Maybe tomorrow, if you'd want, we could get lunch together in the cafeteria? Like as a date?" Ru smiled as she looked at the snow, not seeing Kieran's indifferent stare towards her. He stayed silent for a moment, he was about the reject the offer, but he stopped himself, he remembered all the times that Ru had defeated him in battle, and so he got a malicious idea. He could see it clear on Ru's face that she liked him, it was stupid how obvious it was in his opinion. 

"Sure, I'll go on the date with you. I'm not busy tomorrow so it'll be fun." He smirked as he saw Ru get excited. He didn't even care that he was going to break her heart tomorrow, it was all revenge for him, to get back at all the times that Ru beat him in Kitakami, He was excited to break her heart. He then walked past her, waving bye to her as Ru was so excited for the next day to go on the date with Kieran. She couldn't detect the falseness in his tone, the cold stare, all the red flags. She was wearing rose colored glasses, figuratively of course. She was so excited she didn't hear Drayton walking over to her. 

"Sup Ru, new coat?" Drayton pointed out the coat, which snapped Ru out of her mind, and she looked at him, confused for a second before remembering that the lab coat, which she was wearing.

"Oh! No, it's not mine. A bitch I hate gave it to me because I was in the polar biome without a coat, basically treating me like a child just because she's a 'professor's assistant.'" She said that title with an annoyed tone, and Ru then crossed her arms. "She's so annoying! She's so snarky, bitchy, calls me Newbie on the daily, her face is annoying, ugh I just hate her!" Ru scoffed as she rolled her eyes, hating just the thought of Rosie, though Drayton seemed to take it in a different route.

"Hm, sounds like you got a crush." He then grinned as he put his hands behind his head as Ru looked shocked, offended, and angry all at once, going through the 5 stages of grief all at once. She would not believe that she had a crush on Rosie, she was straight after all, and going on a date with her crush, and hopefully becoming his girlfriend too. 

"There is no way I like her! I'm straight for one, for two I hate her!" She huffed, putting a hand on her hip. "Anyways, we're getting off track, what did you want to talk to me about?" Ru took on a more relaxed posture as she listened to what Drayton might say to her, though knowing him it would probably not really be that important or it was just going to be stupid.

"Hm, I dunno. Forgot." He smiled and shrugged, Ru sighing as she looked annoyed. Of course he forgot, it was Drayton, he never took anything seriously, even when he said something that sounded important. Ru shook her head and sighed at Drayton. 

"Of course you did. Well, I'm going to leave sense you forgot what you wanted to tell me. If you remember it, which I doubt, text me it." Ru then left as Drayton waved bye to her in a lazy manner, which irked Ru slightly. She reached into the pocket again and pet Angel some more, smiling as she felt the fuzzy fur as she walked back to her room, she flopped on the bed with a smile, the smell of Rosie's lavender and daisy perfume filling her nose as she closed her eyes, excited for tomorrow.

love between a professor and a idiot.Where stories live. Discover now