Chapter 17, smiles

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Ru had laid down that night, sighing as she was tired from the chores, though she was happy about how Rosie helped her. She watched as Rosie was folding some clothes with a hum, her eeveelutions just lazing around quite happily with where they were. 

Rosie and Ru were holding each other, smiling. Ru was staring into Rosie's eyes, smiling as she soon giggled. "Hey Rosie, did you know that I thought you were an absolute bitch when we first met?" 

Rosie laughed a bit. "Oh, did you? Bold to presume I even changed from being a bitch." 

Ru giggled and cupped Rosie's face. "But you did, Rosie. You beat up a guy for me when you barely knew me, all because he stood me up on a date. You took me out to a dance when I asked you to, if that's you being a bitch, hell, I'd like to see you being nice!" 

Rosie laughed along with Ru, smiling. "I suppose even someone like me can be nice, guess it just takes a bit of getting used to hm?" 

Ru nodded, and laid her head on Rosie's chest, hugging onto her, she smiled feeling Rosie's hands slowly move onto her waist, and giving it a gentle squeeze. Ru looked up at Rosie and giggled. "You're so pretty, Rosie. Honestly, I'm jealous of you, you're so smart, pretty, strong, kind as well, meanwhile I'm just, well, me."

Rosie moved a hand to Ru's cheek and kissed her gently. "You being you is the reason I love you, Ru. You're so cheerful, giggly, sure you're a little dumb, but that just means I can help you more with anything that you need. I get to love you more; you don't think about the scientific side of things like if I dated any scientists. You're you, that's why I love you Rootsie." 

Ru felt her face burning and she felt so flustered, so loved, and she started to cry from how overwhelming it was. She kept crying even when Rosie sat up and pulled her close trying to comfort her, worried because Ru was crying. "Hey, hey you okay Ru? I didn't mean to make ya cry-" 

Ru nodded and buried her face into Rosie's shirt. "I'm just so- happyyyyy!" she sobbed out and Rosie couldn't help but laugh a bit and rub her back.

"You're so goofy, Ruru." Rosie kissed her cheek and cuddled her more. "Here I thought you were crying because I said something wrong." Rosie chuckled and she ran her hands along Ru's sides, slipping her hands under her shirt to have some more skin to skin contact. 

Ru smiled even more at this and snuggled even closer, wanting to be as close as possible, she sighed happily, her tears starting to dry, and she wiped them a little on Rosie's shirt. "Oh, you little twerp!" Rosie joked with Ru, the two chuckling as Rosie kissed the top of Ru's head. "You're so fuckin' beautiful... I have no idea how the hell I got so lucky."

Ru blushed more and looked at Rosie. "You're gonna make me cry more if you keep complementing me so much Rosie." 

Rosie sighed and kissed her. "I can't help it love; you're deservin' of all of it. It'd be a crime if I kept all these complements from you." Ru squealed flustered and giggled as Rosie kissed at her face and neck gently. "You smell so sweet dear, it's like a drug I'm addicted to. I never want to go to rehab for it. I want to keep the high I get from seeing you all the time."

Ru couldn't help but whimper, having never heard anything like this before as she smiled. "Rosie you're too sweet, I'm nothing like a drug though."

Ru gasped as she felt her waist squeezed by Rosie. "You deserve it dear. If you were a goddess, I'd worship your every step, every atom of your being. I wouldn't question your existence in anyway. I'd be the most loyal of any of your followers."

Ru squealed, and lightly took a pillow and shoved it against Rosie's face to shut her up. "Quiet! You're making me flustered! And its late as well, ugh why are you such a flirt Rosie?" 

Rosie chuckled and moved the pillow. "I'm just speakin' the truth love." Rosie laughed more as Ru pouted a bit at her. "Though we probably should get some sleep, we are heading to the market stalls to go shopping for some more stuff your parents didn't get." 

Ru sighed, and smiled as she laid down on Rosie, her head on Rosie's chest, she yawned as she felt the blanket being moved over the both of them, smiling drowsily at Rosie. She giggled as Rosie slowly hugged onto her as she rolled so they'd be on their sides, and Rosie cuddled close. "You're so beautiful Ru, I know I've said this a lot before but it's just so true, I can't help but repeat it." 

Ru scoffed and smiled. "What happened to us going to bed because we have that long day of shopping for my parents' tomorrow hm?" 

Rosie scoffed and chuckled. "Now now, I never said it'd be long. Though, I can make us take longer than it would be if we took some extra funds for a quick hotel room~" 

Ru gasped, her face going red as she realized wat Rosie was hinting at and she blushed a lot more. "You horndog!" 

Rosie laughed and kissed her. "You love me." 

Ru sighed. "I do, and I have no idea why."

Rosie pretended to be hurt. "So mean! I'm rubbing off on you dearie."

Ru gasped as Rosie giggled, and she then rolled over, smiling as she felt Rosie spooning her, and she mumbled softly. "I'd like that, to take longer with being in a hotel room." 

Rosie chuckled and kissed her cheek. "Noted love. I'll bring some extra money with us." 

The two then fell asleep, Ru smiling as she dreamed of what would be happening tomorrow, her cheeks absolutely red.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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