chapter 10, anxiety and how's.

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!!TW!! homophobia.

It had been a while sense the dance, sense seeing Rosie all dressed up, sense wearing that beautiful yellow dress, sense their first kiss. After that Ru had gotten even more clingy towards Rosie, not that Rosie minded, of course she loved to see her beloved all clingy like that, so she didn't mind. Ru was always around Rosie, in the lab doing online work, sitting with her when Rosie was doing field work, wherever Rosie was Ru was never far away, literally. Ru would never leave Rosie alone, unless Rosie was in the bathroom of course, although Rosie's habits we're all messed up for some reason, so she'd only go once a day, it could be from Rosie's horrible habit of not drinking enough water, or that she didn't eat enough, well anyways Rosie almost never went to the bathroom which made Ru both happy she could keep clinging to Rosie and concerned for Rosie's kidney and colon. But on this day, there was more anxiety flooding her mind than usual. 

She stared at her phone screen in terror as she saw a video about someone harassing a poor lesbian couple in public. Ru had always known that not a lot of people accepted LGBTQ+ which she had found stupid as gay people were gay people just because they liked the same gender didn't mean they were any less human. She watched as they burned a pride flag and she looked at the comments which was a terrible idea, as it would give her more anxiety about her own and Rosie's relationship. 

Ru was speechless. She couldn't help but tear up as she saw all the hateful comments.

 'Gay people should go to hell.' 

'If my kid came out as gay, I would shoot him.'

'Jesus did not die on the cross for men to be kissing men.'

Ru turned her phone off, and she started to cry, face in her hands as she did so. She was horrified. It caused her to be scared, what if people like them were inside the school she was in? What if she'd get harassed for just being happy and being in love? It scared her so much; it was giving her a panic attack.

She couldn't help it, she was hyperventilating, and the lights were too bright. She leaned against the wall, she could hear the humming of the ceiling lights, she covered her ears and let out a sob, tears rolling down her cheeks. She then felt a coat slowly be draped over her, she recognized the smell immediately, it was Rosie's coat and she looked up at Rosie, and she tried to speak but the words got caught in her throat. 

"Hey, it's alright you ain't got to talk I promise. I'll be here, okay?" Rosie sat down with Ru, looking concerned as Ru was crying, Rosie rubbed her back being gentle and caring. Rosie saw her phone and what she was watching, she frowned at the comments, and she sighed, and she held Ru close. "I know it's scary. People are assholes in this world, not liking things just because they're different and not what they're used too. Being homophobic is going to be a part of our life and its scary, but we can get through this. You're the strongest person I know, you know that?"

Ru sniffled, just listening to Rosie's voice helped her calm down. It was magic, in a way. Hearing what Rosie said about her, that she was the strongest person that Rosie knew, it made her heart flutter. She wasn't the best at battling at all, she would never deny that. battling was difficult for her to do, memorizing all the moves, type differences, what was strong and what was weak, it was very difficult for her to remember. But just hearing that Rosie believed that she was the strongest, it made her heart flutter more than it ever could. 

"I'll protect ya from those homophobic people, and if it means a fight will happen, I'm not afraid to fight for what I love. Ru, I promise you if someone harasses us, I'll knock em out so fast they'll be seeing Miniors." Ru couldn't help but giggle, and she spoke softly. 

"You called me Ru, and not Newbie." She could hear Rosie's faux sigh and she giggled more. 

"Well, you're not a newbie anymore, arn't ya? With all the hanging around you do I should be calling you oldie" 

Rosie laughed as Ru playfully shoved her away, rolling her eyes. 

"You're an ass, Rosie." 

"You love me."

"Yeah, yeah I do." 

"Oh? Do you now?" 

Ru scoffed at Rosie's playful teasing, and she sat on Rosie's lap, crossing her arms. "Yes, yes I do. I love how you're a tease, how you care for your Pokémon, how when you laugh your nose scrunches a little. I love how your eyes look when the sun light hits them in just the right way." 

Ru smiled as Rosie hugged her waist gently. "Well, if we're saying what we love about each other, I'll go next. I love how you nibble on your sleeves when you're shy, how you squeal and snort when you are tickled, how you fidget with your hands, how you hug onto me like a Komola hugging it's log, how yellow suits you so beautifully it should be a crime to look that gorgeous, how when you speak there's that slight German accent that just makes my heart speed up when i hear it, how you always smell like fresh daisies when you wake up always makes me smile. If you'd let me, I'd end up saying all the things I love about you until we passed away." 

Ru couldn't help but giggle, her cheeks and ears going red at all that Rosie said, she couldn't stop smiling infact. "Really? You love all of that?" 

"Of course I do. It should be a crime to hate you, love." Ru smiled at that more, forgetting about the homophobia she had read about it earlier, she then kissed Rosie, smiling.

"I really do love you, Rosie."

"I love ya too Ruru."

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