chapter 3, a rough stone

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It had been a week, Ru could not get that look out of her mind, the way Rosie looked at the Eeveeon and Eevee with such affection, it haunted her mind for the entire week. She hated it, and not to mention that she found herself thinking more about Rosie over this week, she still wanted to punch Rosie, but the thought of kissing Rosie was also there, ugh she hated this feeling! Ru wanted to smack it down and squash it like a bug type, besides she didn't like Rosie! She liked Kieran, so that had to mean she was straight, right? 

She got out of bed and fed her Pokémon; Angel was excited at the prospect of potentially seeing her new friends. Ru sighed and smiled at seeing Angel so excited, though she didn't know why exactly. Ru then fed the rest of her Pokémon, which was a Ursaluna whom was laying as it ate in a big space, a Shiny Cyclizar who ate it's food in a speedy way, a Shiny Hisuian Zoroark who was eating slowly and making sure Angel wasn't going to trip, Grafaiai ate using its long tongue, having to spread it's legs in order to get low enough to eat from its bowl, and Blissey, who was making sure everyone was doing good before it ate its own food. Ru smiled as she watched her Pokémon, they would distract her from the haunting gaze from that bitch, Rosie. After all her Pokémon ate, Ru returned her Pokémon, forgetting to eat as she did quite a lot, she couldn't help it with her mind racing so much with all kinds of different thoughts. She raced down to the spot she and Kieran were going to meet up at, the artic zone. She never really liked the cold but just for Kieran she would endure it. She soon got to the area but immediately bumped into Rosie. "Ugh- her again." Ru sighed, it seemed like this girl had a new Pokémon every single time they met, first an Eevee, then an Eeveeon, and now a Glaceon, though she had to admit professor bitch did have cute Pokémon. Ru sighed and tried to walk past her, but Rosie noticed her. 

"Oh hey, Newbie." Rosie smirked as Ru silently cursed and Eevee ran over though the snow to the Glaceon by Rosie's side. Ru looked at the Glaceon then to Rosie and attempted to try to be snarky with her words.

"How many Pokémon do you even have hm? Trying' to compensate for being a horrible trainer by having so many hm?" Ru crossed her arms, looking more like a pouty child, which isn't what she was going for at all. Seeing this Rosie simply chuckled. 

"No correcting me today hm? Alright then." Rosie grinned as Ru's widened in realizing she didn't correct Rosie, and because Ru could Rosie kept talking. "But to answer your original question of how many Pokémon I have, hm, I have about 17. And sense I know you're going to ask how I have that many Pokémon; I took a long exhausting test and got a permit for it. But don't you worry your little head, I'm not allowed to use more than 6 in battle." Rosie smirked as Ru was surprised by the answer, as she didn't ever expect Rosie to answer questions ahead of time, though she should've expected by now. Ru shook off her surprise and then put a hand on her hip, ignoring the fact that she was starting to get hungry. 

"Well, uh, don't care. Never did." Ru pretended to be disinterested and ignored the fact her stomach growled, which she took as the opportunity to leave. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm meeting up with a friend. Goodbye." Ru then started to leave but was surprised when she felt a hand grab her shoulder.

"Hey now newbie, I heard the stomach growl. Did you even eat anything this morning?" Ru was surprised, her face going pink, but it was cold so she could blame it on that, Ru shook her head no, though she wanted to lie and say she did eat something. Rosie then sighed and took out a granola bar and gave it to her. "Here eat this, also are you seriously not wearing a coat in the cold? You know what here." Ru took the granola bar but was surprised when Rosie tossed her lab coat at her, Ru held it, and she could smell the faint scent of lavender and daisy perfume, 'how sweet' she thought, sense Rosie wore lavender and daisy perfume, which was Ru's favorite smell. Ru huffed and tried to play it off like she wasn't touched, after all Rosie was still a bitch. 

"Whatever, thanks, I guess. Didn't need it at all but whatever." Ru put the coat on, and bit into the granola bar and then walked away, Angel jumping into the pocket as Ru did so. Rosie sighing and walking in the opposite direction of the two, heading to the mountain area where more snow and ice types were at. 

Rosie entered the mountain and sent out Flareon, its body giving off a warm fire like glow, Rosie walked along the cave floor, her body laxed as she looked at all the walls of different shaped rocks, she soon entered an opening and saw all the blue crystals, she walked closer in order to inspect the Pokémon closely, squinting as she did so, she could see something inside of the crystal, she leaned back and sent out a Pokémon that looked like it was made of smooth cave rocks and crystals, it's tail having a scorpion looking stinger look. She then hummed as she looked at the Pokémon then to the crystal. "Bouldeon, use rock smash." She took a step back, mostly to avoid the sparks of electricity when the crystal was destroyed on the crystal scattered around. she then carefully walked through the crystal and picked up a small round orb looking thing then she hummed. "Well, I'll be damned, it's a mega stone." She held it up as she inspected it with a smile.

"Well, I owe Sycamore an apology."

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