Melting Hearts

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Recovery Girl just stared in awkward confusion at her most unusual patent.

The youngest Todoroki was tossing and turning in his sleep. A massive deviation from the other victims of Izuku's quirk, who were completely unresponsive to any stimuli.

The most disturbing part was the contortions of his face, which were ether a furious grimace or the smile of a man who had never smiled before.

It was honestly just too creepy, even for someone as experienced as her.

"Ah, forget it! I'm getting too old for this!" she bemoaned with frustration. It wasn't like she was getting any useful data from Todoroki's weirdness.

In light of this and combined with the other oddities the young man had displayed, Recovery Girl decided to just write him off as a freak of nature and move on to more important patients.

Namely a certain woman with green fire for hair and a dangerously swollen belly.


"Midorya, you are so dead when this is over... then I'm retiring and taking a vacation so I can purge this madness from my memories!" she grumbled as she questioned if perhaps she'd already gone senile.

Only to realize that would mean her mind was practically a sewer to come up with this kind of kinky situation, and resined herself to the madness of reality.


Meanwhile, Rei groaned as her body trembled in the aftermath of the world shattering pleasure she'd just received.

Her cloudy mind still recovering as she clung to the warm, comforting body next to her. The same body that had her wrapped up in his safe and protective embrace.

A sudden chill of fear seamed to run up the body next to her and she opened her eyes to see Izuku laying on his back with his left arm around her and his right arm around someone else with an enormous belly protruding on the other side.

A cold sweat ran down Izuku's face before he shook off the feeling and turned his attention back to Rei.

When their eyes met however, there was an immediate awkwardness between them and both their cheeks burned red as Izuku realized Rei was awake and she suddenly remembered everything that happened.

Many things could have happened at that point.

Rei could have screamed in horrified guilt and disgust at herself for not only giving in but begging a younger man, her son's best friend, to impregnate her.

She could have had a nervous breakdown as she realized she was once again used as breeding stock to produce powerful quirks and discovering her daughter apparently had a kink for that.

So many things were running through her mind that in the end she just stared in stunned silence.

A moan broke her from her frozen state though, as Fuyumi finally started to come to her senses and propped herself up enough that Rei could see her properly with her massively pregnant belly.

The mental breakdown now appeared to be the inevitable outcome as Rei suddenly felt her belly churning and tightening and her eyes flew to her belly in fear as it grew and...

Stopped growing...

Confusion mixed with anxiety as she waited for further growth, but her belly never grew beyond the size of twins.

Eventually Rei's brain registered the protective and comforting hand around her as Izuku tightened his grip and she vaguely heard Izuku's mumbled apologies and promises to support her.

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