Unforeseen Consequences

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A/N - Ok, sorry for the delay everyone but a lot of stuff's been happening lately.

First up, I'm sorry for not answering a few questions that have come up but I keep forgetting about then when it comes time to update.

I was asked how tall Izuku is in this and I'm sorry but I have no idea. I'm terrible with measuring people's hights and body proportions, so I guess assume a little growth on account of the this being years ahead but nothing major. Izuku's still slightly shorter then everyone.

And finally the suggestions for quirks...

Man I did not expect so many to roll in when I put up that list. I'll try to credit the people who've suggested quirks but at this point it's getting hard to keep track of them all, so I may actually leave a few name out. Also some of the ideas you've suggested are ones I be actually already had plans to use but not a situation to reveal then.

Anyway, one the quirks in this one was inspired by Zayden StormVoid, but with a little modification. I think a few others suggested similar ideas but I can't figure out who at the moment.

Oh also, I've taken a few liberties with Mina's quirk. Just small ones though.

Anyway, that's all I can think of at the moment. Enjoy!


Mina held her grin for a while as she savored the funny, panicked expression on Izuku's face.

She was terribly tempted to say she actually laid eggs, just to mess with him. She eventually sighed though, as she reached over and patted his cheek, deciding to stop teasing him.

"Ok, how much do you know about how women work downstairs?" she asked while pointing downwards to her womanhood.

Izuku blushed and sputtered as tried and failed to keep his eyes from darting across her large and yet still incredibly sexy body while muttering what little he knew in incomprehensible gibberish.

Mina just giggled at him while rubbing her belly, already looking forwards to some of her kids being just as bashful and easy to tease.

"Well, I bet you didn't know we all actually produce this anti-bacterial stuff downstairs. It keeps us from getting infections down there... buuut... it also means most of the sperm released doesn't survive unless we get really wet first to clear the way or we're lucky enough to have a guy that reaches all the way in" Mina explained.

Izuku stopped sputtering as his analytical mind was able to quickly latch onto the surprisingly more informative then kinky explanation.

But if all girls were like that, then where was she going with this?

Mina sighed as, to Izuku surprise, a slightly more sad expression flashed across her face for a second.

"My quirk doesn't just let me make acid. All my bodily fluids are mildly acidic. Even my blood, it's just not enough to be noticeable... that also means that I would normally have a harder time getting pregnant then most girls... my body compensates by producing and ovulating more eggs then average, which slightly boosts my chances of getting pregnancy, but even then it would still be really hard..." Mina explained with on oddly sad tone.

It was quickly replaced with a smirk though as she traced one finger around the imprint of her baby's foot and watched the realization dawn on Izuku.

Not only did him loosing control make Mina ovulate even more, but his quirk already guaranteed pregnancy, even with her biology.

Mina then hugged Izuku's arm into her cleavage as she snuggled up to him, causing Izuku to squeak with an intense blush.

"Like I said, I knew you were the perfect man to love me and knock me up. You're the only man who can for-sure get me pregnant without having to go at it for a week straight with no breaks... though we'll probably do that anyway when we have our honeymoon..." Mina teased and nearly burst out laughing as Izuku yelped and started sputtering again with a high pitched voice.

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