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Izuku took shuttering breaths as he stared blankly up at the Sky. Sweat drenching his trembling body and his hips a little bruised.

At his side, the heavily pregnant bunny hero was clinging to him as she mumbled in her sleep.

It had taken an hour...

A full hour to finally satisfy Mirko.

Izuku felt like a raisin that had been tossed out in the street to dry up further and then get run over by a semi-truck.

Sure Izuku had gone at it for that long before, but that was with three girls who could tap out and take time to recover. They also weren't as ravenous and dominating as Mirko had been. They definitely didn't have her stamina and leg strength.

And yet it was still only his body, mind and sore hips that failed him. His little Deku was still ready for more, much to his pride and dismay.

Such thoughts were fleeting in Izuku's mind though, as he lay there, traumatized and sore. The events following the first few rounds a blur to him.

Eventually though, Izuku blinked somewhat back to his senses, as he reached out with a shaky hand to his discarded suit and it flew to his hand. He then reach into his pocket and pulled out an earpiece.

"Nezu..." he wheezed out with a horses voice.

"Ah Midoriya! We were beginning to worry about you. How are things?" Nezu asked with his usual cheer.

There was a long pause as Izuku took a breath to steady himself, though it caused him to cough lightly as it irritated his dry throat.

"Mirko's calmed down...we need someone to pick her up though...and...maybe bring a bottle of water...and an ice pack..." Izuku managed to speak as he glanced down at the unconscious woman, hugging his side as tightly as her belly allowed.

"Understood Midoriya. Thirteen will be there shortly. Is there anything else you need?" Nezu replied with a hint of sympathy in his voice.

Izuku took a moment to collect his thoughts as his fuzzy memory came back to him.

"Is Recovery Girl there?" he asked.

"I'm here brat" the aging hero spoke and Izuku took another moment to swallow.

" it possible for a woman to get pregnant again...while they're still pregnant?" he asked weakly.

There was a pause.

"It's rare, but possible. Especially given the right quirks...why do you ask?" Recovery Girl questioned with a dangerous tone.

Izuku's fear was more prominently directed to Mirko's belly, as it suddenly grew again. Not much, but just enough to be noticeable.

"No reason" he answered weakly.

"Midoriya!-" Izuku cut off the line before Recovery Girl could tear into him. He then gave a long, defeated moan as he stared up into the sky.

"How...I didn't even make her ovulate that many times like with there even a word for being pregnant with fifteen children at once..." he muttered to himself before falling silent as his fried brain tried to come to grips with everything.

"Rabbit biology" Izuku's voice suddenly rang out.

"Mirko's quirk makes her very similar to a rabbit, genetically speaking, so she was going to have a lot of kids regardless of, if we tried giving her a lot of children or not" the voice spoke calmly, and Izuku sighed.

"Yah, I guess your still doesn't make it any less terrifying though..." Izuku answered.

"Yah, I can't argue with that" the voice agreed before both sighed.

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