Predator and Prey

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Izuku stood frozen with fear as he stared down at the slowly dissipating cloud of green smoke at his feet with wide eyes.

The memory of Toru snapping his double's neck after figuring out it wasn't the real Izuku, still fresh in his mind as he tried to rub away the phantom pain.

She had been so fast that even Danger Sense hadn't been fast enough to warn him. At least not when it was diminished within the weaker duplicate.

"I had no idea she could be so terrifying..." Izuku muttered with dread as he realized just how broken her mind must be and how dangerous she was when not held back by timidity and shyness.

And yet she was somehow even harder to find then before...

A fact that was only affirmed by Toru cutting the power to the building, causing Izuku to squeak as he was left in darkness as the shutters blocked out all sunlight and the red emergency lights only worked in a few places that only made the atmosphere even creepier.

"Scary" Izuku thought as he tried to use Augmented Vision to find Toru, only to despair when his vision was filled with multiple red splotches that made it nearly impossible to see.

"Hay Ninth, we got a problem" Shinomori spoke in Izuku's mind from the link to the duplicate body he was possessing.

Izuku whimpered slightly as he switched over to using Neko for the limited night vision.

"Toru?" he asked mentality, having already guessed who it was.

"Yah, looks like she snuck into one of the storerooms where the support department dumps their excess gadgets and grabbed a bunch of stuff" Shinomori replied just as something went off in the air vents and Izuku's ear twitched.

Before he could do anything else though he coughed and pinched his sensitive nose.

The damage was already done though, and his eyes began to water as something like a cross between a stink bomb and pepper spray was released, forcing Izuku to revert back to normal so his enhanced sense wouldn't overwhelm him.

Even then it still stung his eyes and made him feel like retching.

Izuku quickly focused and activated another one of his quirks. His skin turned lime green and partially transparent as his eyes turned pure yellow and his hair melded into a dark green blob of slime in roughly the same shape as normal, only more jiggly.

Izuku blinked his eyes a few times until they stopped stinging and coughed a few times before shaking his head and making it wobble like jello.

His body now immune to the gas, Izuku gave a sigh of relief but yelped as his slime body wobbled and he nearly collapsed into a green puddle before fixing himself.

Izuku then gave something between a relived sigh and a whine. He still didn't actually have any practice with most of the quirks he'd made, so not only would it be difficult getting around in this form, but he would be very limited in which quirks he could activate while like this.

"I wish I had Momo's encyclopedia. Then I could make a gas mask with her quirk" Izuku muttered. Making fabrics and blocks of metal was one thing, but a gas mask was a bit too complex for him without time to study and memorize every element like Momo did.

Izuku shook off his frustrations though as he began running as quietly as he could but winced as his feet went splat with each step and he stumbled like a toddler learning to walk as his legs wobbled.

He needed to keep moving though. He needed to find Toru fast before she found Mina.

And for that he was thankful he had Search v2.

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