Washing Away Sins

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Kaina Tsutsumi, better known as Lady Nagant, groaned as she slowly came back to consciousness.

Her mind was a little foggy as it recovered from all of the stress she'd been through. Both emotionally and physically, as well as psychically.

Her eyes shot wide open as the memories suddenly came to clarity and she felt both the weight in her belly and the movements within.

Her mind blocked out all other senses as the rambunctious activity inside her belly captured her full attention and she jolted upright to stare at her very pregnant figure.

She didn't even acknowledge the yelp from beside her as she watched her belly actually shift and deform momentarily from the very active movements within.

"I'm pregnant... there's a baby inside me... a child... inside me..." she thought numbly as her vision was clouded by trauma. Her hands drenched and dripping with innocent blood.

Kaina wasn't sure when she stared hyperventilating but she couldn't stop herself or comprehend anything around her. All she could see was the dome of skin that protected the innocent little life inside her, and her blood soaked hands hovering over it. Wanting desperately to cradle her belly protectively but to terrified of herself to let it happen.

"No, no, no! I'm a monster! I can't be a mother! I can't let this child be tainted by my sins! I can't! I-!" Kaina's panicked thoughts were cut off by two strong arms wrapping around her and pulling her head into the crook of someone's neck.

Her mind ground to a halt as she continued breathing heavily, but eventually the former hero began to calm down as she started to make out someone cooing softly to her as he brushed her hair back.

It was then that Kaina recognized the unnatural calming sensation washing over her, and experience told her a quirk was in play, quelling her fear and anxiety.

She couldn't bring herself to care though as her eyes reminded locked on her shifting belly and she finally realized it was too big to be carrying just one child.

She might have relapsed if it weren't for whatever quirk was calming her. Instead leaving her silent and numb as she just stared and processed everything.

"It's ok" the soothing voice finally broke through after a while and became comprehensible to the traumatized woman, and after another long moment she managed to rip her eyes away from her belly to look up into the glowing green orbs of Izuku Midorya.

The young hero she was supposed to kidnap and deliver to the most terrifying villain she had ever met.

The same hero that willingly had hot and passionate sex with her and knocked her up, even knowing who she was and after everything she had done.

The same hero that was now staying and comforting her, the monster assassin, instead of arresting her or running for the hills.

Kaina's guilt made a resurgence as tears came to her eyes but Izuku pulled her face against his bare chest in a comforting hug as he used Hoppin' Mad to secrete relaxing chemicals and pheromones from his skin.

"It's ok... everything's going to be ok..." Izuku cooed to her as he held the woman close.

Kaina shook her head against his chest in denial though.

"No! No it's not ok!... I'm a monster! I don't deserve to be a mother! I'll just hurt them or ruin their lives!" Kaina cried into Izuku's chest. The young hero only hugged her tighter in response.

"That's not true! You're not a monster Nagant" Izuku argued back but the woman just squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head some more.

"You don't understand! The things I've done! The-"

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