Back On The Hunt

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"Woohoo!" Nana laughed as she hopped from the roof of UA's main building and floated through the air. The other Vestiges scattering into the rest of the school to keep the other girls from hurting themselves or each other.

And also to be as far away from Izuku as possible when he found his next target...

They knew all too well by now, just how loudly he could get them to scream.

"Hay, take it easy!" Izuku called out as he jumped after Nana and floated next to her as she shot him a smirk.

"Why! I'm sort-of alive again. This is the first time I've been able to actually feel the sun and breeze in years!" she called back cheerfully.

Izuku just gave a conflicted sigh.

"I didn't design that quirk to work with other quirks. I was... too busy trying to survive Mirko..." Izuku muttered the last part as he looked away with a blush. He quickly shook his head clear though.

"But that means the more you use other quirks, One For All included, the faster you'll burn out that body and I'll have to make another one!" Izuku explained to the woman, who pouted playfully in response.

"Aw, alright, I'll take it easy on the quirks. But we have bigger issues right now. You know who you have to go after next right" Nana replied as she turned her gaze to Izuku before looking back down to the ground.

Izuku looked away with a blush before focusing on the school and his eyes glowed red with crosshairs mixed in.

He scanned the building and gave a frustrated grunt as he had trouble making out the blurry shapes he saw. He squinted his eyes though, as he used his attempt at recreating Search.

Izuku grimaced a little as he used the quirk. Guilt taking hold, as he had yet to return it to Ragdoll. He had managed to use Diagnostic Touch on her while the girls were all huddled around him in Bunny mode and petting him. But that just revealed that he didn't yet have all the right quirks to give it back to her safely.

He had a number of options, depending on the girls he claimed as the day went, but that would have to wait for later. Right now he needed to focus on finding one particular girl before she caused more harm to the others, or started trying to hold what few men hadn't been secured yet, as hostages to lure Izuku out.

Izuku's eyes widened as he felt a ping from Search and turned his gaze to the showers near the gymnasium, where he spotted two blurs, scuffling with one another.

"Found her!" Izuku announced as he kept his eyes on the target.

"Alright, you go turn the pretty lady's legs to jelly, and I'll keep the rest of the girls in the main building from interrupting you or killing each other" Nana spoke with a smirk and a thumbs up.

Izuku looked away as his face steamed and the two kicked the air with One For All, sending them flying towards the building.

A small part of Izuku was screaming with joy that he was actually doing hero work with All Might's mentor.

The rest of him was mortified that she was more then likely going to hear him in the throughs of passion as he intentionally knocked up one of his best friends.

At least she was more easygoing about it. There was a reason why she, along with the First and Fourth were the only ones operating close to him while the others got as far away as possible.

The only real downside was her constant teasing. Izuku wasn't sure if that was just her normal behavior though or just being happy because of her sudo-resurrection.

Izuku pushed those thoughts aside though, as he used his Finger Jacks to open one of the window shudders for them, before locking it back.

The two nodded to each other before Nana took off to do her job while Izuku went Dart Frog and hopped to the ceiling again.

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