Lizard Hunting (lemon)

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The wall next to Izuku crumbled under his grip. His fingers digging in and turning it to rubble as he nearly keeled over while his other hand gripped at his crotch.

Izuku's eye twitched in frustration, as anger and pleasure both flashed across his face.

A wet spot formed in his pants as the velvety muscles surrounding his erect manhood cliched and squirted in climax.

Izuku grunted as the pleasure overwhelmed him but was met with equal amounts of frustration at his inability to climax himself.

"Damn it Setsuna..." Izuku grunted out as he felt her womanhood, separated from her body, begin moving up and down along his erection again, in spite of his efforts to stop her.

This had been going on for a few minuets now and Izuku still hadn't found her. Setsuna had hidden herself well and Izuku couldn't focus. Not with her screwing him remotely while running from other girls.

The others constantly getting in the way had actually been the biggest issue in finding Setsuna to finally put an end to this love torture, though Izuku was beginning to somewhat understand what they were going through.

"Err...that's it! If I have to suffer through this again after finding Setsuna, then I'm getting a chastity belt once this is all over..." Izuku grunted out, as he plugged his ear jacks into the wall in hopes of finding his tormenter.


Meanwhile, Setsuna was currently collapsed on the roof of UA. Her naked body squirming while she worked her right, B cup breast in her hand. Her suit laying scattered around her as she writhed.

"Damn it!...why...won't...he...FINISH! GAAHH!" she yelled as she reached another climax, but still felt unsatisfied, do to the lack of the warm, thick feeling she desperately needed to fill her.

Setsuna was beginning to regret her decisions. She had gotten desperate and hadn't thought her plan through. All she wanted was to just get the important part of her down there and get some quick relief.

She did not get what she sought though.

"What am I missing..." she muttered between whimpers and moans as she clenched her serrated teeth, and began to wander if she should just let Izuku know where she was and pray he would finally give her some relief.


Setsuna was broken from her thoughts, by something landing on the roof with her and creating a dust cloud.

She coughed a little as the dust cleared and when she looked back up, she was amazed to see Izuku standing there.

Any thoughts of hope or desperation were forgotten though, as Izuku looked down at her with a dark look in his eye, and Setsuna actually felt a smidgen of fear.

"Setsuna..." he spoke quietly. Before she could act though, Izuku suddenly shot forwards with incredible speed. Grabbing her and pinning her to the wall of the stairway entrance.

"This has to end now!" Izuku yelled as he gripped her tightly by the arms and brought his mouth down on her left nipple.

Setsuna whimpered as she clawed at the wall behind her while Izuku held her in place.

"Oh yes! I'm sorry Izuku! I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner!" Setsuna moaned as she finally started to feel something other then constant frustration at Izuku's inability to finish.

Even as she felt pleasure overwhelming her, Setsuna focused on her womanhood, inside Izuku's pants and kept it moving up and down his length at a fast pace.

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