The Awakening

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Izuku slammed the door to the dorm room shut and braced against it with his back. He panted heavily for air but quickly pinched his nose and held his breath as he heard footsteps charging down the hallway. Both to keep quiet and so he wouldn't smell them as they passed by.

The footsteps grew louder but then quieter as whoever it was, charged passed his door in pursuit of him.

Izuku waited as long as he could before breathing again, his face turning a little blue, before finally gasping for breath.

"Damn it! Of all the Quirks I could have been born with...why this one!" Izuku lamented with a sigh, as he looked down to his hand and saw a thin sheen of some kind of substance. Not enough to look or feel wet, in fact one wouldn't notice unless they were extremely observant or knew what to look for.

Yes, Izuku had a quirk. One that he was born with but wouldn't activate until after he turned 18. A quirk that they had kept secret from him.

It stung to know what his doctors did, but he could understand given his quirks nature, or at least what he could learn of it before being forced to run, but it didn't make it hurt any less, or save him from the situation he was in now, do to being unprepared.

One might be asking how this all started and how Izuku discovered his quirk.

Well for that, we need to go back a little bit.


Earlier today, during combat practice, Izuku and the rest of the class were fighting the teachers, and he just so happened to be with most of the girls from 1-A and was fighting against Midnight and Cementos.

The concept was simple. Navigate the sifting cement maze while avoiding Midnight's pheromone quirk.

The test in and of itself wouldn't have been a issue, they even made it a pretty decent way through, with only a few getting knocked out, before Izuku himself got a whiff of her pink gas. Not enough to pass out, but enough to get drowsy.

Or at least that's what he had thought, unaware of the changes to his own biology that made him now immune to the knockout aspect of her quirk. Years of minute exposure over the corse of his stay at UA, had triggered his own quirk to awaken a little sooner then expected, and now Izuku was beginning to feel hot.

"What is this?" Izuku asked as he held his nose "what's this smell?" he muttered as, even with his nose pinched, he still got a hint of Midnight's gas. It was like his sense of smell was heightened in some way and his head was staring to swim as he got sweaty.

"DEKU!" a familiar voice called out and suddenly he found himself being tackled out of the smoke by a flying, white and pink meteor.

"U-Uraraka!?" Izuku asked with surprise as she tried to save him from Midnight's quirk and he blushed deeply at how they landed, with her practically straddling him and her B cup breasts sandwiching his face. The skintight suit leaving nothing to the imagination.

Uraraka pushed herself up, letting Izuku breath as she looked around for any threats, then look down to him and froze.

At the time, Izuku had been very confused. He would learn later that her bare hand, had brushed the exposed skin on his face, letting the pheromones in his sweat get on her, which was why she was breathing really hard now. Then Izuku's new enhanced sense of smell kicked in and he got a whiff of something off Uraraka.

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