Love And Guilt

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A/N - Sorry for the delay, but I forgot that the forth was coming up until literally the day before. So happy Forth of July.

Also, there is one girl I was planning on leaving out but some people have suggested her, so I just want to ask, are there any girls you guys DON'T want to show up, or is anyone fair game.


"My my, Mr. Midoriya. You certainly like giving me a challenge" Nezu spoke with a chuckle, as he reviewed the recordings of Izuku transforming into a dragon and tanking the full force of Nejire's quirk.

There was no way the people outside, namely the press, hadn't seen and recorded it, which meant he needed to give an explanation.

Admittedly, he wouldn't have to lie that much. It WAS an incident caused by a doctor lying on a quirk assessment, so he could easily shift blame away while dodging any direct questions.

Still, an immensely powerful, unregistered quirk, that in no way resembled any student's, had just been displayed.

Looks like it was time for Nezu to whip out the rainy day blackmail he kept on the HPSC.

Before he could start cackling madly though, the rodent hybrid was pulled from his evil(?) scheming by Izuku's double, whimpering slightly.

"S-sorry..." the dobble muttered as he squirmed in his seat.

Nezu gave the double a sympathetic grin. He knew the squirming wasn't from guilt, but rather what his real body was doing to Nejire at that same moment.

Izuku was having a really hard time, splitting his attention between the two. But thankfully, as his quirk took over and his rational mind was pushed to the back, it was able to exert more control over the double, while Izuku's more primal side took the wheel in the main body.

That didn't mean he didn't still experience everything that was going on...

Hens the reason he'd teleported directly to Powerloader's, now Nezu's, office instead of Ochako. The last thing he needed was a room full of horny, pregnant girls, seeing him suddenly appear while squirming and occasionally moaning in pleasure himself, while his quirk was in full swing.

Especially after Hatsume saw Mirko when she showed up...

It took half an hour to restrain her from ether attacking Mirko in jealous furry or hunting down Izuku in the hopes he'd be able to knock her up again while still pregnant and outdo Mirko. They still weren't quite sure which was her motivation. They were a little too busy at the time, dealing with the absurd number of gadgets and weapons she pulled from seemingly nowhere, in her attempt to escape.

Nezu sighed as he decided to omit that information for the time being, while mentally praising Izuku for his foresight in tagging so many teleport locations ahead of time.

Nezu quickly turned his attention back to the camera feeds though, while trying to ignore the duplicate of the student behind him, who was currently going at it, far away from here.

"The good news is, I think we've found her" Nezu began as he focused on the more pressing issue while his hyper-intelligent mind, multi-tasked.

"And the...t-the bad news..." Izuku stutters out as he suppressed a moan and his eyes rolled back in his head a little.

Nezu coughed into his hand/paw(?), as he tried to also ignore the girls who were beginning to strip or dress more provocatively.

It was times like this, Nezu was glad he wasn't attracted to Humans. He still felt the need to follow social norms and etiquette though. Another reason why he had the recordings set to auto delete after a few hours.

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