First Time Float (lemon)

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Izuku was too shocked and tired to react fast enough, so even as he activated Full-Cowl, he didn't use it.

"You can't break free Deku~ You'd have to use too much of your quirk and I know you would never hurt me" Uraraka said with a combination of pride and that battle madness she had developed following her defeat in the Sports Festival and her internship with Gun Head.

Izuku gulped in fear as he realized she was right, as they floated there in the middle of the room with nothing for him to grab for leverage. He could have used his quirk to make a blast of air pressure but that might hurt his friend, who's toned muscles he could feel tensing under her smooth skin...


Izuku's mind went blank for a moment as he realized Uraraka wasn't wearing her suit. She might have still been wearing her bra and panties but other then that, she was all skin.

Izuku then heard Uraraka chuckling darkly.

"I finally got you" she said, mostly to herself as she capitalized on his moment of hesitation to contort around him and buried his face in her ample cleavage while still holding him in such a way that he couldn't brake free.

Uraraka moaned as she felt Izuku's surprised and panicked shrieks reverberate between her breasts and one of his hands broke free just enough to try and push her away, but instead ended up grabbing her left breast and he couldn't stop himself from squeezing it though her bra.

"Can you smell me Deku~ I know you have some kind of enhanced sense of smell from watching you avoiding everyone, and that it effects you" Uraraka moaned out as she continued to hold him close and was satisfied to feel him struggling less and less, but didn't dare let her guard down. She would much rather be kissing him right now but she couldn't risk letting him run away again.

"Oooh, this was definitely worth floating above the school for so long. Waiting for you to get tired and stop" she continued as she felt the valley between her breasts getting hot and wet from Izuku's panicked and aroused breathing. She then looking down at his red and steaming face and noticed his eyes getting cloudier the longer he was forced to breath in her sent.

And it was working terrifyingly well, as Izuku felt his resolve crumble as his arousal grew and he couldn't stop his hand from squeezing her breast, as impure thoughts and desires filled his head.

A small part of him couldn't help but wander what the deal was with his sense of smell and what purpose it even served. But such thoughts were left by the wayside as his lower brain took the wheel.

"Ohh" Uraraka moaned as she felt Izuku's erection finally win it's battle against his suit's pants and rub against her through the layers of clothes, and she began grinding against him.

Izuku moaned into her chest as his eyes rolled up in his head and became half lidded.

Seeing this and knowing she couldn't take much more waiting, Uraraka finally let go of Izuku's now limp body, sans the hand on her boob, and kissed him deeply.

Izuku's eyes shot wide and back into focus as his secret crush, smashed her lips into his and forced her tongue into his mouth.

Izuku made muffled sounds as he was stunned by his second kiss ever. Ochako having claimed the first earlier today when this all started. Eventually he realized his arms were free again and grabbed her shoulders to push her away but Uraraka clung it him tightly, rapping her arms and legs around him.

Izuku's mind was becoming more and more clouded but he worked up the resolve to push her head away from his, braking the lip lock and letting him breath.

"Wait, Uraraka! Stop! We can't-"

"Yes we can!" Uraraka cut him off with desperate tears falling from her eyes "Deku...I love you!" she exclaimed with her eye clenched shut.

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