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110 AC

"In half a year," Prince Qoren Martells lips curled into a smile that could only be described as secretive. It spoke in a language that only Princess Valera could seem to understand, as she returned the same smile.

"In half a year."

111 AC
Kings Landing

"You are doing wonderful, Princess," Valera Targaryens handmaiden, Talia, comforted her. The foreign woman held a cold rag to Valeras forehead and held her Princesses hand.

Valera groaned in pain, throwing her head back into the feathered pillows as another wave of contractions ravage her body.

Princess Rhaenyra pushed through the large wooden door, rushing to Valeras birthing bed. Valera dismissed her favorite handmaiden, instructing her to go to Prince Aerion.

Princess Valera disliked having many in her birthing chambers. She even commanded Ser Erryk to memorize a list of people allowed in her chambers during the delicate time, and under no circumstances was he to stray from that list unless instructed otherwise by the Princess herself.

Of course, the knight happily obliged, his loyalty was unwavering for the woman. He swore to protect her on her twelfth nameday, himself only being one and seven years of age at the time and he would hold to this promise until the end of his life.

"Daemon will be here soon," Rhaenyra assured Valera. Prince Daemon had been out with the City Watch when Valeras labors began. Princess Rhaneyra brushed back the hair that stuck to her elder sisters sweaty forehead before reapplying the cold cloth.

Taking a deep breath Valera asked, "where is Aerion?" She asked, squeezing her eyes shut tightly as she kicked away the thin white sheets that covered her legs.

"Ser Harwin is with him."

Valeras nodded quickly, glad Rhaenyra left the little Prince with someone they trusted. Even after months at court, Valera was still weary of not having Aerion with her at all times. She was afraid that if she left him, he would leave her again.

"And the Maester?" Valera wondered, the old man having been summoned away some time ago. Just as she asked, the woman heard another woman's agonized scream echo through the hallways.

Rhaenyra hesitated before answering, knowing what she was to say would only annoy her sister. "With Alicent... she too, has begun her labors..." Rhaneyra winced when she spoke.

Valera clenched her jaw, taking a deep breath, "of course she has."

Princess Valera Targaryen and Queen Alicent Hightower both labored through the night, their husbands by their sides when the silver haired babes came into the world.

As the sun crested the Narrow Sea, the Seven Kingdoms welcomed another Targaryen Prince and Princess into the world.

Prince Daemon delivered his daughter, since Maester Mellos was with Queen Alicent at the time.

As soon as Valera heard that she birthed a daughter, she knew instantly what her name was to be.

Princess Aemma Targaryen, named after her grandmother, the late Queen Aemma Arryn.

The babe was small but round with light purple eyes. She did not have much hair, but it seemed to shine more golden than the traditional Targaryen silver. Valera was delighted, as it only made her name more perfect; Queen Aemma's hair was also a light golden blonde.

Only moments after the new Princess was born, King Viserys' second son with Queen Alicent was born. He was much smaller than his older brother and sister had been but had the same pure Valyrian coloring, much to Queen Alicent's delight.

He was named, Prince Aemond Targaryen.

King Viserys chose the name to honor his late uncle Prince Aemon Targaryen.

Both babes were healthy, vibrant infants. The King sent out word to the Greta lords of the Seven Kingdoms that he was to hold a feast to celebrate the birth of his newest son and first granddaughter in three moons.

Only a sennight before the celebrations were to begin, King Viserys told his small council that he believed Prince Aemond and Princess Aemma being born on the same day was a sign from the Gods that the children were meant for one another.

The King announced to his small council that he was going to betroth the children, and on their fourteenth nameday, they were to be married.

King Viserys hoped that this decision would help mend the two sides of his family. The marriage would force Calera and Alicent to come and accept each other, ensuring they would have a place in each others lives for as long as they lived.

"Absolutely not!" Valera shouted upon hearing the news. The Princess slammed her hands on the table and stood from her chair with so much force it rocked back and forth. "My Aemma will never marry the spawn of that wench!"

Prince Daemon reached from his chair, grabbing on to one of Valeras hands in efforts to remind her to take her fire, to be careful with her words. They had a plan, but they had to wait just a little longer.

Queen Alicent gasped across from the table, looking at both King Viserys and her father.

"You can not speak to her like that! She is your Queen!" Ser Otto defended his daughter, also standing from his seat at the long table.

"She is not my Queen!" Valera argued, staring directly into Alicent's dark green eyes. The Queen squirmed in her seat, feeling as if the Princesses eyes were daggers flying at her. "She will never be my Queen!" Valera turned to face her father now, "you killed our Queen, remember?" Valera paused, watching the sorrowful look settle upon her father's face at the mention of his first wife. "You took one Aemma from me, I will not allow you to do it again!"

With that, Valera stormed from the small council room, Prince Daemon following directly after her, but not without giving his brother a look of disapproval and disappointment.

That night, Princess Valera held her daughter as she cried, she cried for her mother and for the future that her daughter would have to endure.

The Princess felt for any woman born in this world, but especially her daughter. Her little Aemma.

A child made purely from love.

Valera could not allow something so precious to be tainted.

She wouldn't.

Valera Targaryen: The Storm BringerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang