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110 AC

"It is unwise," Prince Qoren reiterated as he moved to stand next to Princess Valera. The silver haired woman reread a single page from an old tattered  spell book.

"It is the only way," Valera spoke underneath her breath but the words were still caught by the dark haired man besides her, "he will not speak." Valeras finger traced over the foreign words as she mouthed them over and over again.

Qoren grabbed Valera's shoulders, forcing her to turn and look him in the eyes. "It's dangerous Valera, for you and your unborn child," The Prince spoke sternly, the look on his face just as serious, "you won't survive another loss."

Valera gave the man before her a deadly glare, shrugging his hands off of her as she turned back to the grimoire. "I will find out who attempted to take Aerion from me," the Princess gritted, speaking more to herself than to Prince Qoren.

"There are other ways," the Prince of Dorne paused, sighing, " it'd take time, yes... which is why you can't allow your temper to guide you." Qoren placed a hand on Valera's shoulder.

"You've seen him," Valera shook her head at the Prince, "he'd bite out his own tongue before telling us anything."

"You must have patience, Valera," Prince Qoren grabbed the spell book from the table in front of him, closing it so Valera may no longer obsess over the contents of it.

"I have waited, agonizingly, for years!" Valera slammed her hands on the desk in front of her. "It is time for them to pay! With fire and blood, they will pay!"

Valera's violet eyes burned as she looked up at the cool and collected Dornish man beside her. The Prince looked at her with a soft frown upon his lips as he cocked his head to the side.

"They will..." Qoren reassured, his hand finding Valera's cheek to caress it. The Princess instinctively leaned into Qorens touch, her eyes fluttering shut for only a moment of peace.

"You can not touch me on these ways anymore," Valera sighed as she grabbed Prince Qoren's hand, pulling it away from her face.

The side of Qorens lips raised slightly as he took a step to close some of the distance between him and the woman he had long pined for. Valera stepped back as Qoren stepped forward but she was stopped short by a bookcase.

"Do you not like it?" Qorens voice was low and he stared intensely into Valera's stormy eyes.

"Daemon would n-" Valera began to speak but was quickly interrupted.

"I do not recall asking about Daemon," Prince Qoren took another small step forwards, cupping Valera's face in his soft, large hands. "What do you want?"

Valera's chest rose and fell quickly as she gazed into Prince Qorens emerald colored eyes. Princess Valera never liked the color green, but Qoren's eyes were said to be her favorite feature of the man.

In an instant, Valera Targaryen had closed the distance between herself and the man she once believed she was to marry. Her arms wrapped around Prince Qorens neck as the two royals allowed their lips to move together seamlessly.

Enveloped in the moment, Valera Targaryen only came to her senses once Prince Qoren began to pepper kisses down her jawline and neck.

"No," Valera pushed against Prince Qorens touch, "we cannot." Valera caressed the spot on her neck that Qorens lips had left wet. "I am Daemons."

Prince Qoren pulled at his sunset orange robe, "you were mine, once."

Princess Valera spoke definitely, "once," she reiterated, "but never again."

111 AC
Kings Landing

"I should have let you kill the bastard," Queen Alicent paced her bed chambers, her slender fingers grasped at the Star of the Seven that hung around her neck. "You assured me that this was not possible, you said you made sure of it!"

"I was wrong, Your Grace," Larys Strong hung his head in shame, leaning on his walking stick as he hobbled towards the Queens wine table.

Alicent was disheveled, curls pulled from their ringlets, bedazzled hair clips coming loose, her cheeks red in the midst of her fit. The Queen was rarely seen in such a state, having only last been this way when her father was stripped of his position as hand and sent back to Old Town.

The Queen glared at Larys as he poured himself a chalice of fine red wine, "did I invite you for a drink?!" Alicent snapped at the clubfoot.

Larys Strong held back a smirk from gracing his lips, "I suppose not," the man said before taking a sip of the wine, "but I do enjoy a good Arbor Red, and the King keeps all of the best bottles for you, Your Highness."

Queen Alicent clenched her jaw, striding over to stand directly in front of the unofficial Master of Whispers. Alicent snatched the golden chalice from Larys Strongs hand, tossing the red liquid to the side.

"Are you of any use?!"

"I will be..." Larys Strong smirked wickedly, "when the boy arrives back at court we will take care of this...unfinished business."

Valera Targaryen: The Storm BringerWhere stories live. Discover now