Pirate TVA part 2

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The doctor took the thermometer out and looked at it.

"Well, you have a healthy temperature. That's good" said the doctor.

The door opened and the captain entered.

"Oh just in time. Your little patient just woke up a minute or two ago" said the doctor.

"Good, how you feeling" asked the captain.

"Good, besides the motion sickness. Where am I" I asked.

"On a boat. Currently heading to our island. You'll be safe there. And we do have medicine to help with the motion sickness" said the captain.

"Here" said the doctor as he offered me a pill and a glass.

"What is it" I asked.

"Medicine and rum" said the doctor.

"I don't drink rum" I said.

The doctor and the captain were both shocked by this.

"Well, uh, we have juice" said the doctor.

"Okay" I said.

The doctor smiled and set the pill on the table by the bed. He drinked the rum and got a new glass and looked for some juice.

"Why no rum? Underage" asked the captain.

"Not allowed, I'm a ghost of the tva" I said.

"Ya well no gives a rats ass about that around here cupcake. We are all ghost here. We don't spill on one of our own having a drink" said the captain.

"And since when are ghost allowed alcohol" I asked as the doctor poured a glass of juice.

"We aren't, doesn't mean we don't make it and drink it" said the captain.

The doctor set the glass on the table.

"Ya well I'm in enough trouble with the tva. I don't think drinking alcohol is a good idea" I said.

"Alcoholic" asked the captain.

"No, I just don't like it" I said.

"Why" asked the captain.

"Why do you care" I asked.

"I'm curious. I never met anyone like you before" said the captain.

"Well captain" I said.

"Butterscotch" said the captain.

"Butterscotch, I don't like the idea of being drunk" I said.

"So it's not the rum it's more you don't like what it does to the brain" said Butterscotch.

"Basically" I said.

I took the pill and a sip of the juice.

"If I may ask, why save me" I asked as I put the glass on the table.

"Because, you're a ghost just like us" said Butterscotch.

"D.S. is the ghost" I said.

"You are a variant and help D.S." said Butterscotch.

"So" I said.

"I figured you could join the crew. Of course I would rather meet under, better circumstances but this works two" said Butterscotch.

"Let me guess, if I don't you tie me up and throw me over board" I asked.

"What kind of sick fuckers do you hang around at the tva" asked Butterscotch.

"It's that what pirates do" I asked.

"Not us, we live by a code. Part of it is trust. So if you refuse to join then you have my word that I and the rest of the crew won't harm you and anyone you care about. You'll be free to leave once you are better" said Butterscotch.

"Thanks, but I'm not instreaded in being a pirate" I said.

"At least think it over. I'll let you rest" said Butterscotch.

He left and I took another sip of the juice.

"Oh one more thing cupcake" said Butterscotch as he poked his head in the doorway.

I looked up at him.

"Juice, is just a fancy way of saying wine around here" said Butterscotch with a smile.

I spit the wine out and Butterscotch chuckled before leaving. I put the glass down and wiped my tongue. The doctor chuckled as he went back to work. I'm not happy about drinking wine.

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