Pirate TVA

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We got a new variant for the tva but the sacred tva found them as well. So a fight broke out. Aphrodite opened a portal on her tempad.

"Alright, let's go" she said.

The team started to go threw the portal.

"DARON, COME ON" Hades yelled.

I threw the agent on the ground and punched him in the face.

"You'll lose" said the agent.

"Sure" I said.

I stood up and ran for the portal but was stabbed by a prune stick. Well, that isn't good. The stick was removed and I fell to my knees.

"Like I said, you'll" the agent started but was pruned.

"You know, it's rude to stab a ghost" said a man.

"PRUNE THE TIMELINE" a women yelled.

A fight between the people erupted. I fell onto my side and the guy ran up to me. He laid me on my back and put his jacket off. He placed it over the wound.

"Stay with me, I'm not letting you clock out yet" said the man.

I chuckled a little.

"Do I amuse you Daron" asked the man.

"How do you know me" I asked.

"You're a ghost of the tva. People talk" said the man.

"Well then I guess you didn't hear I'm cursed" I said.

Some others ran up to us.

"What" asked the man with fear in his voice.

"Relax, I was cursed to never exist. Can't kill me if I don't exist right" I said.

"I guess that's fair" said the man.

"What do we do captain" asked a girl.

The man who I assume is the boss looked around at everyone fighting.

"We got what we came for. We take them. Come on" said the man.

I was picked up and the man wrapped his jacket around me. He held me in his arms as another guy opened a portal. The captain blew a whistle to call his crew and we left. We made it to a white area of nothingness and I died in the man's arms.

I was on a bed. My shirt was off but my chest was wrapped up. I was on my back and covered up with a blanket. I could feel the bed moving like I'm on a boat or something. I opened my eyes and looked around. The room looks to be a hospital of some kind.

"Three hours" said a voice.

"What" I asked.

I looked and saw a man.

"Three hours you've been laying there. Are you able to sit up" asked the man.

He looked to be a doctor of some kind.

"Ya" I said.

I sat up but squeezed my eyes and put my hand on my chest as I tried to not vomit.

"What" asked the doctor.

"Sorry, just motion sickness" I said.

I opened my eyes and put my hand down.

"Ah, no need to be sorry. We got tons of you on board" said the doctor as he started collecting stuff.

He got a class and filled it with a liquid before getting a pill.

"You know, I thought the captain was crazy for bringing you aboard. He brought you down here and I knew right away you were dead" said the doctor.

He put the bottle of what I assume to be juice back before getting medicine.

"But he told me, that you said that you can't die. I told him that's crazy because you're a corpse. But the captain said that if you aren't back in 24 hours, we give you back to the tva" said the doctor.

He grabbed a thermometer and stuck it in my mouth.

"What is this" I asked.

"Well you were a corpse not long ago. You somehow came back to life a hour ago and took another just to wake up" said the doctor.

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