Part 42

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Kiyara and Ridan reached the table
Ridan's parents, Karan and Riyan were seated already
Sheetal : Come dea sit next to me.
Kiyara hesitated, Ridan pulled chair for her and she sat near his mother and he sat next to Kiyara.

Sheetal : I sincerely thank you for helping my child, it really means a lot to me. From childhood he is like this he never tells us anything if he is hurt, if he wants anything or anything going wrong with him, he takes all on himself so that we won't worry (Spoke while holding Kiyara's hand) and our Karan he is same like him (looking at Karan) he also takes everything on him and sacrifices things for other's betterment (Tears were rolling)

Kiyara : Aunty please don't thank me I did nothing, and please don't cry (wiping her tears) you and uncle have really made great efforts on them, I should thank Ridan and Karan (looking at both of them) Thank you so much for going through all the risk to help me out it really means a lot to me.
(Both the handsome hunk looking at Kiyara tenderly, passing a smile)

Uncle : Ok now stop those thanking let's dig in.
Sheetal : Yes yes, Kiyara and Riyan eat properly don't be shy. Btw Riyan is your?(asking Kiyara)

Kiyara : He is my.....(she remembered something and smiled, looking at Ridan) Special friend.
Sheetal : Special friend ? (Confused)
Kiyara : My childhood friend.
Sheetal : Oh ok.

Ridan looked at her and nodded : "Special friend" hmm that's nice (grabbed the glass in hand held tightly and looked at Riyan who sensed Ridan observing him he looked at him passed a smile and instantly grab a bit of food not dare to look at him)

Ridan knew he was just her friend but she saying that again "Special friend" made him boil with jealousy.

Ridan gently held Kiyara's hand across the table, the atmosphere around them seemed to shift. Kiyara felt a rush of warmth flood her cheeks, a blush betraying her surprise.

Kiyara looked at him asking him "What?" through eyes.
Ridan made one eyebrow up looked at Riyan and back at her asking her "Special friend?" through eyes.
Kiyara smiled and nodded (yes), she knew he was jealous and she was loving him getting jealous.
Ridan's grip on Kiyara's hand tightened

Sheetal : Kiyara you didn't even start yet? You didn't like the food? (Looking at her plate and her)
Kiyara realised her grip : Nothing like that I like it (took a bit of food)
Sheetal : Ridan you also didn't start, what's wrong?
Ridan : Special thing was missing here mom, right Kiyara ? (Looking at Kiyara who was caught off guard, she coughed and drank a sip of water)

All 4 of them we're looking at each other confused Sheetal keeping her hand on Kiyara's shoulder : You want something special ?
Kiyara : Oh no no aunty he is just fooling around don't listen to him. (Passed a smile to Sheetal and widening her eyes to Ridan)

Shiv : Btw Kiyara what you do?
Kiyara : I run a company name Graphic owl.
Shiv : Oh that advertisement company ? Have heard amazing views about your company that's really great to hear, wish you success.
Kiyara : Thank you uncle.

Shiv : And what's your full name?
Kiyara : Kiyara Aman Kapoor
Shiv : Aman Kapoor from St.Lauren school?
Kiyara : Yes (surprised) how do you know?
Shiv : What coincidence he is my childhood friend we were together from our schooling till college and then due to some reason I had to shift UK and I lost contact with all of them.
Kiyara : Are you "the wingman" (smiling)
Shiv : Haha yes it's indeed me (laughing) you remember that name?
Kiyara : Yes dad and Viraj uncle mention your nick name a lot I never knew it would be you.

Shiv : Viraj Mishra oh wait Riyan Mishra are you his son?
Riyan : Yes uncle (smiling)
Shiv : Ahh somewhere your face resembles him a lot but I was afraid to get it wrong so I didn't mention.
Finally I can get them back through you both, world is really small. (Feeling overwhelmed by thinking of his best friends)

Sheetal, Ridan and Karan were just listening to their conversation.

Shiv : You both help me surprise them tomorrow, let's all have dinner party what say? Sheetal, Ridan and Karan? (Asking them)
They looked at each other
Sheetal : Yes why not, you finally can get your friends back let's grab this opportunity (placing her hand on his palm softly)
Shiv got emotional but he controlled : Great let's continue with dinner.

They finished their dinner, Shiv spoke to Kiyara and Riyan about tomorrow's surprise. Shiv and Sheetal went ahead to greet their members bidding bye to Kiyara and Riyan.

Kiyara : We'll leave bye
Ridan : I'll drop you guys
Kiyara : We have our car and Riyan is there no need to worry.
Ridan : I know your special friend is there but still I'll drop (he started walking towards elevator)

All 3 followed him,
Kiyara was entering the elevator Ridan pulled her back "You guys go ahead"
Karan : Ok

Ridan pressed the other elevator, the door opened "come" holding her hand, pressed the basement button.
Kiyara : But car is on Ground Floor.

Ridan pulled her closer her heart skipping a beat at the depth of emotion she saw reflected in his eyes.
Ridan : Special friend? Then who am I?

She reached out to gently cup his cheek, her touch tender and reassuring, "Ridan" she turned his face right and left.
Ridan : What you doing?
Kiyara : Are you jealous? (Had a wide smile on her face)
Ridan releasing her : I never get jealous (looking other side )
Kiyara : Ahhh you look so handsome when you jealous. (Was playing around acting cute)

Ridan looked at her and walked making her lean towards wall blocking her to run through both side
"Special word should only belong to me"

Kiyara grabbed him near pulling his tie "Ok" and kissed him on his cheek.
Ridan was taken a back by her sudden reaction "only cheeks?" Door opened she pushed him blushing "go away" and came out of the elevator.

Ridan smiled and went behind her held her hand, reached the car, he opened the door for her closed and went on driving seat and he drove ahead.

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