Part 41

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Lisa was about to slap her friend but Lisa's dad came in front and slapped Lisa "You ungrateful daughter, what did we deserve to have a child like you?" (Had tears in his eyes) because of you we can't step in society now.

Lisa's Dad bowed down in front of Ridan : I'm really sorry Ridan on behalf of my daughter.
Ridan : I already warned you uncle but you ignored.
Lisa's Dad : I know you did, I'm really stupid to not listern to you (joining hands, tears falling down) please forgive Lisa.
Ridan : If  you want forgiveness ask Kiyara, if she is ready to forgive. (He moved aside and let Kiyara come in front)

Lisa's Dad : I'm sorry you had to go through so much (joining hands) please forgive her.
Kiyara : Please uncle you don't need to ask for forgiveness, you didn't do anything (letting him keep his hands down)
Lisa's dad : Lisa come and beg for forgiveness (said in anger)
Lisa : I won't ever say sorry to her, she snatched my Ridan from me (anger, sadness, tears rolling down)

Ridan : I hope you remember what I said before, "I love only one person (holding Kiyara's hand
Kiyara was stunt by his action, looking at Ridan surprisingly)

Lisa's Dad held Lisa's hand : Stop embarrassing me more, let's leave now. (He took her from the crowd)

Ridan's parents came near him : Are you ok Ridan? Why didn't you tell us you were in hospital. And this kid Karan (his mom twisted his ear ) why didn't you tell me Haan????
Karan : Maa it hurts (rubbing his ear)
Ridan : Mom don't worry I'm totally fine all thanx to Kiyara (looking at her still holding her hand) if she wasn't there to take care of me it would have been difficult.

Sheetal looks in direction of Kiyara, Kiyara tries to release her hand but Ridan was in no mood to let go, somehow she manages to release.

Sheetal : Thank you so much dea for being there for my son (placing her hand on Kiyara's face) god bless you.
Kiyara : It's nothing aunty. (Smiling)
Sheetal : Are you married ?
Kiyara : No ( looked at Ridan who raised his eyebrow and smiled looking at her, she took her eyes back to Sheetal)
Sheetal : That's good thing then (had a wide smile)

Karan saw all this and he knew from long time they both love each other, he didn't try to break them nor did he express his feelings to Ridan. He's ready to let her go all he wants is her happiness and he know Ridan is perfect for her.

He is looking at Kiyara with all love in his eyes which he can't express nor will he express it.

Sartaj announces "Dinner is ready please enjoy yourself"
Everyone starts walking around gossiping about the incident that happened just now.

Ridan's father Shiv : Come on let's have dinner together Kiyara and what's your name?
Riyan : Riyan Mishra
Shiv : Yes Riyan join us

They both were hesitating to join them
Kiyara : No uncle it's your family time so please enjoy.
Sheetal : You soon gonna be our family (spoke instantly)
Kiyara : Sorry (she thought she heard something wrong)
Shiv : Ahh...she means you helped our Ridan so we want to thank you properly. (Trying to avoid the awkwardness)

Ridan : You both go ahead I'll bring them.
They both went ahead , Karan took Riyan with him "Let's go bro don't be shy " and they went.

As they all went Kiyara looked at Ridan : I'm extremely sorry Ridan....I...I hurt (tears were rolling down)
He came forward and kept his finger on her lips "Don't say sorry" wiping her tears "I didn't wanted to risk your life so I had to act, I'm sorry to hurt you"
Kiyara : Why didn't you tell me I would have supported you. (Tears were not stopping)
Ridan : Ik Lisa well what she would have done if you would have been with me. Leave all this everything is good, now stop crying (wiping tears)

Ridan held her hand, their fingers entwined like vines clinging to each other. They gazed at each other with admiration. In that moment, the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them lost in each other's gaze. Words seemed unnecessary as their hearts spoke a language of their own, binding them together in a timeless embrace.

Ridan : Let's have dinner together
Kiyara noded and they started walking keeping distance as people were around.

Ridan on their way : Hope you remember what my mom said a while back.
Kiyara clearing her throat : Umm...what did she say? (Trying to act)
Ridan pulled her closer holding her waist "Now you remember?"
Kiyara : Leave me everyone's here (trying to realise herself)
He pulled her more close their face inches apart he was about to kiss her she closed her eyes and said "Yes I remember "
He smiled and placed a peek on her forehead "Good girl" and released her. Kiyara started blushing.

They reached the table
Ridan's parents, Karan and Riyan were seated already
Sheetal : Come dea sit next to me.
Kiyara hesitated and looked at Ridan, he signalled her to sit and she sat.

My Insta Lover ♥️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt