* Ridan Singhania *

58 19 10

She clicked on the post, he was playing guitar. She rolled herself and watched him, a very soothing and peaceful music was been played. She hit the like button and save his post in Insta Lover folder name.
She have saved almost all videos and photos of him in that folder.

She scrolled and opened his other post. He's wearing white shirt with red formals, red blazer and black glossy shoes sitting on chair. His every post and reels have more than 1M likes and 40k+ comments and share.

Kiyara looked at him like she can't get enough of it "Hmm......looking handsome today, good one I love it" and hit the like button, she never commented on any of his reel or post thinking it will be too cheesy.

She got a video call from her brother (Sahil) 2 years younger than her, very handsome, charming, talented. He's in Boston for his Masters in AI.
Kiyara accepted the call and got up,

Sahil - Are you parting right now?
Kiyara - No I came from party will change now.
Sahil - Okok cool, btw I'm having a farewell party right now so help me what to wear.
He showed her few options.

Kiyara - The black blazer set?
Sahil - Ok be online I'll check it. Btw who's party ?
Kiyara - Avni's birthday party (yawning)
Sahil - Ohhh I forgot to wish her and what did you guys gift her?
Kiyara - Harley Davidson bike

Sahil was putting on his blazer and stopped, I want a sports car and its fix. (Looking at screen)
Kiyara - Are you done? I'm sleeping bye
Sahil - How rude Di, I'm landing tomorrow I want a gift.
Kiyara - Let's see.
Sahil - Check out how's it?
Kiyara - Perfect, shoes not matching check that pair behind that red formal.

He took and wore them.
"Yes it's perfect", btw what time you landing tomorrow? I'll come to pick you up.
Sahil - Oh don't worry, dad is sending the driver so you relax, you change and get back to sleep it's pretty late now. (Tieing his shoelaces) Thank you Di, cya.
Kiyara- Ok bye, have a safe journey.

She got up to change, kept phone on table with Ridan's post open, and started talking to him as if he was in front of her. She started speaking about what all happened whole day.

"So ya birthday went really very amazing, Avni was very happy and you know the strange thing , I caught someone there he introduced me as his fiancé can you believe it? That girl was been very noisy so I butt in and he didn't mind so ya and when I went inside I saw him in the crowd and after few seconds he was not there, I'm so sure Ridan that I saw him it was not a dream (thinking about that incident siting in front of the picture) came back in senses
anyway what do I have to do if he was there or no, ya so later........and she went on speaking to him for a while,

"So ya it was an eventful day and I hope you also had an amazing day, I'm tired now, I have a meeting tomorrow morning so I'll talk to you tomorrow, cya bye". She kept her phone aside, switched off the lights and slept.

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